How To: TEA-TOX the Right Way
How To: TEA-TOX the Right Way
Get healthy one cup at a time.
Get healthy one cup at a time.
We’ve all been there. Late nights, stress, insufficient movement, and an unhealthy diet result in a system overloaded with toxins and needing a cleanse. But what do you do when you’re looking for a gentle approach that isn’t harsh on your system or involves a multi-step regimen that comprises downing glass after glass of some horrid-tasting concoction? Simple – you opt for a teatox, instead. A cleanse that is delicious, effective, and even has supermodel approval. Kendall Jenner is reportedly said to be a fan. Read below to learn all about how to start a teatox!
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First Thing's First. What’s a Teatox, anyway?

Just like its name suggests, it involves drinking several cups of herbal, natural, or organic teas. The idea is to detox your body gently, and it’s been found to do everything from dislodging toxins to helping you lose weight, making your skin glow, and even reducing the appearance of cellulite. But there’s a caveat, of course. The type of tea you drink is essential to get right, and it certainly does not involve milk-laced, sugar-filled cups. Instead, you will have teas containing only natural or organic ingredients and spices and herbs known for their potent healing properties, no dairy, and definitely no sugar.
The Benefits:
Reducing the Caffeine.
Know That It's NOT for Everyone.
Select the option that would complete your sentence!
"My detox cleanse of choice involves drinking copious amounts of ____"
Select the option that would complete your sentence!
"My detox cleanse of choice involves drinking copious amounts of ____"