Marvel Fans: THIS Is The Hardest Quiz You'll Ever Take
Marvel Fans: THIS Is The Hardest Quiz You'll Ever Take
Do you have what it takes to be a true superhero expert?
Do you have what it takes to be a true superhero expert?
The Marvel universe, as you know, charts the legendary rise of a comic book publisher who became a transmedia empire with a legion of fans that spans ages, generations, and cultures. There’s nothing else quite like it. But do you count yourself among the list of Marvel’s ultimate fans? Well, be prepared to flex those superhero muscles and prove it if you do. Grab your popcorn, and let’s delve into this fascinating world, shall we?
>> Which Disney Era Are You From?
What did Thanos once possess to become all-powerful?
Iron Man was the ____ Marvel movie ever made. Can you complete this sentence correctly?
Who can manipulate probability and alter reality through Chaos Magic?
What is the name of the villain who is made entirely of bees?
Whose bidding is Hawkeye enslaved to do in The Avengers?
What is the name of the superhero who is a living vampire?
Whose suit is made of vibranium?
In Spider-Man: Homecoming, who makes a cameo as a neighbor disturbed by a car alarm?
"When I'm king, I'll hunt the monsters down and slay them all!" Who said this?
What are Wolverine’s claws made up of?
Let’s settle this once and for all: Who do you think is the most powerful Avenger?
Let’s settle this once and for all: Who do you think is the most powerful Avenger?