Need a Raise at Work? Here’s How To Get It
Need a Raise at Work? Here’s How To Get It
The secret lies in one word: Preparation.
The secret lies in one word: Preparation.
Have you felt undervalued at work in terms of your salary? You know you deserve a raise, but just the thought of asking for one makes you break out into a cold sweat? Well, the feeling is more common than you think. But sitting there and not doing anything about it except adding more work to your load isn’t doing you any favors. At the same time, being demanding and aggressive will only alienate your boss. Successful negotiation is an art. Here’s how to navigate your way to a higher salary...
>> What Type of Business Should You Open?
First, think: Why Do You Deserve a Raise?
Get Your Boss’ Attention
Pro Tip:
Make sure your arguments are rooted in fact. No one can argue with solid logic.
Watch Your Tone
Know the Amount You Want
Avoid Issuing Ultimatums
How do you feel about asking for a raise?
How do you feel about asking for a raise?