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These 10 Questions Will Determine If You're Sweet or Salty

The personality quiz you didn’t know you needed.

Faye Remedios
Created by Faye Remedios
On Jul 1, 2023
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Okay, our apologies if this sounds like a food quiz because it’s not. Instead, it’s a clever way to gauge your personality – to be more precise, to see if you fall in the sweet or salty category. Are you relatable and approachable, or savage and like everyone to be a pawn in your grand scheme of things? Find out by answering this truthfully. 

>> Which Type of Sushi Represents You the Most?

What word would people use more to describe you?

Does trouble follow you around?

What’s your relationship style?

What would you go and see first at the zoo?

What’s your expression usually like?

How do you react if you’ve been dumped?

Who’s your best friend?

What do you believe is true?

What’s your fave condiment?

What does the line “an eye for an eye” mean to you?

Oh, you’re definitely sweet

Oh, you’re definitely sweet

Gosh, people love being around you, and who can blame them? You know how to be a great friend, and your warmth puts anyone at ease immediately. This doesn’t mean you’re a pushover because you aren’t. You’re just genuinely nice and fun. If we didn’t like you so much, we’d be legit jealous.

 Oh, you’re sooo salty

 Oh, you’re sooo salty

Okay, you don’t come across as someone with a pocketful of sunshine, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have your own good qualities. Sure, you tend to err on the side of doing whatever is needed to get what you want, but you also know just how to stand up for yourself and are your own best friend. Maybe a little more balance couldn’t hurt, though.

Tell us, how much does it matter that people like you?

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