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Want to Decode Your Secret Love Language?

Let us count the ways you like to be loved!

Faye Remedios
Created by Faye Remedios
On Aug 7, 2023
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Do you love it when your partner holds your hand in public, or do you prefer getting a thoughtful gift? Do the big gestures make your day, or is it the small ones that make you smile? There are five love languages, and these can make a world of difference to any relationship. But the key is to know what your language is. How do you find out? Simple, you just take this quiz. 

>> Is Your Confidence Sky-High or Down In the Dumps?

Complete these sentences! You’ve had a terrible day at work. You'd be totally thrilled to see your partner...

You’re watching your fave show with your partner. You'd love your partner to...

You secretly love it when your partner…

You’ve thrown your back. The best thing your partner can do for you is to…

What do you miss most about your partner when they are traveling?

You hate it when your partner…

Your partner cancels plans with you. You’re upset, so you…

The easiest way for you to show your partner you care is to…

A spontaneous gift you’d give your partner is…

This word applies most to you…

Your secret love language is Acts of Service

Your secret love language is Acts of Service

You’re all about the doing bit, and you love it when others do stuff for you. It makes you feel special and shows you how much they care. The fact that they are putting in the time and effort to make you feel so special means the world to you.

Your secret love language is Physical Touch

Your secret love language is Physical Touch

You love being held, and it makes you feel safe, happy and loved. You like nothing better than your partner taking time out to give you hugs or cuddles or even hold your hand.

Your secret love language is Words of Affirmation

Your secret love language is Words of Affirmation

You know the power words hold, and it means everything to you when your partner understands this and is verbally demonstrative. When they tell you how much you mean to them or how much they love you, that’s all you need to hear!

Your secret love language is Quality Time

Your secret love language is Quality Time

Spending time with your partner is what’s most important to you. You can be doing anything together, from holidaying to just going for a walk; it’s the time that counts, not what you’re doing.

Your secret love language is Gifts

Your secret love language is Gifts

You love it when you get gifts from your partner. It’s not how expensive the gift is; it’s the fact that they took the trouble to give you something tangible to show how much you mean to them.

Have you read Gary Chapman’s ‘The 5 Love Languages’?

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