We Bet You Can't Guess Which US State This Fact Belongs To
We Bet You Can't Guess Which US State This Fact Belongs To
How many of these astounding facts did you actually know?
How many of these astounding facts did you actually know?
The states that make up the United States of America are filled with incredible stories, colorful histories, and the quirkiest of facts. That these quirks make for fascinating reading material is a given, but it also makes for a great test. Now the only question that remains is can you ace it? Find out by taking this uber-fun quiz. Be prepared to learn some outrageous tidbits.
This is the only state whose official drink is an alcoholic beverage.
This state’s song is "Yankee Doodle”.
Wallace in ___ is believed to be the center of the universe.
_____ was the first US state to legalize same-sex marriage.
The official state dance of ____ is called the “shag”.
This is the only state in the US to have its very own state flavor -- maple.
This is the only state to be covered entirely by its own time zone and doesn’t observe daylight saving.
____ Oberlin College became the first in the US to admit women in 1833.
In 1880, Wabash in ____ became the first city in the world to be lit by electricity.
This state has been literally proved to be flatter than a pancake.
Which state do you think is the quirkiest?
Which state do you think is the quirkiest?