You Might Want To Put A Ring On It But Do You Know The History Of Engagement Rings?
You Might Want To Put A Ring On It But Do You Know The History Of Engagement Rings?
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Say yes to this quiz; we guarantee it’s an eye-opener!
The allure and the magic combined with the promise of love and the timeless appeal of engagement rings are never going to go out of fashion, but do you know the details of their incredible history?
The round shape of the rings symbolizes…
Traditionally, engagement rings are worn on the third finger of the ___ hand because it’s believed to contain a vein that leads to the heart.
The legend goes that the first-ever recorded diamond engagement ring was given by ________ in 1477.
It is believed that the concept of engagement rings was started by the ancient…
Statistics reveal that the most popular engagement month in a year is _____.
If you received an engagement ring in the Victorian era, you were likely to receive a ___ ring, which was believed to symbolize eternity.
In Ireland, St Patrick made it acceptable for Irish women to propose to men once every four years, and this fell on…
The slogan “A Diamond is forever” was a game-changer in the history of engagement rings. Which brand is responsible for it?
In ____, the bishop of Salisbury declared engagement rings to be legally binding.
Women in Rome were often given two engagement rings; an ___ one to wear daily at home and a ____ one to wear outside the home to make an impression.
Pope Nicholas I, in the 9th century AD, deemed engagements to only be considered legitimate if the bride-to-be was given a ___ engagement ring to denote the financial commitment of her future husband-to-be.
The Puritans believed engagement rings were too flamboyant a gesture, so they gave
their betrothed ____ instead.