What Walking Dead Character Are You?
What Walking Dead Character Are You?
Rick to Father Gabriel...But WHO ARE YOU?
Rick to Father Gabriel...But WHO ARE YOU?

How Would You Describe Yourself?
Pick A Colour...
What Are You?
Weapon Choice
When it all begins...What do you get first?
How Many Walkers Have You Killed?
How Many People Have You Killed?
Maggie Or Sasha?
How Long Would You Last?
Always ready to help your friends in need. You may come across as weak and shy but inside you are a storm of power and force.
Well, who else would you want to be. You always look out for the ones closest to you and always risk your life to save them. you don't let anything or anyone get in your way. You are a force to be reckoned with. You are indestructible. RICK GRIMES YOU RULE!!
You are a hot and strong character who always saves the day whenever they can. You love your group and will always do anything for them. If you're a women, Maggie is who you want to be. A true legend.
Father Gabriel
Father Gabriel
You can be helpful, but usually you are not needed. But hey ho, the more the merrier.