Can You Pass A Reality Show Psychological Entrance Test?
Can You Pass A Reality Show Psychological Entrance Test?
Are you mentally fit to have your own reality show? Let's find out if you have what it takes psychologically to be on reality TV!
Are you mentally fit to have your own reality show? Let's find out if you have what it takes psychologically to be on reality TV!

Rate yourself on the scale: I'm easygoing and calm.
I prefer living alone.
I enjoy taking many selfies.
I feel like I'm on an emotional roller coaster.
I get drunk at least once a week.
When I'm really sad or down, I seek the company of others.
I pride myself on being different.
I'm a very sexual person.
I believe most people are untrustworthy.
I regularly check my appearance in a mirror.
I'm smarter than the vast majority of people.
I enjoy answering questions about myself.
Yes! You need your own reality show!
Yes! You need your own reality show!
You have the charisma, you have the energy, you have the sex appeal and yes, you have the DRAMA! You not only passed this psychological evaluation, you aced it! You have an irresistible personality that's perfect for reality TV. You need your own show ASAP because you're obviously the next Kim Kardashian!
Pass! Well done!
Pass! Well done!
Well done! You passed! You're sexy and entertaining, but also grounded enough to make you relatable to people from all walks of life. You're a good fit for reality TV and you should really have your own show. Share your personality with the world, we need it!
You have reality show potential!
You have reality show potential!
Yass queen, you have the reality show potential.! Now, come out of your shell a bit and stir up some more drama! You have an interesting and warm personality, but you're still a bit too reserved for reality TV. That dramatic charisma is lurking within you somewhere, bring it out and you'll be a star!
Fail! You shouldn't be on a reality show!
Fail! You shouldn't be on a reality show!
Hate to break it to you but you're far too calm, balanced and serious to be on reality TV. You're actually smarter than the vast majority of people and it would be too difficult for most people to relate to your life. You're not just incredibly intelligent, you're very charming and entertaining as well, but you're much better suited for a documentary or serious acting!