Is Your Personality Type Scrooge Or Santa?
Is Your Personality Type Scrooge Or Santa?
It's Christmas! Are you a jolly Santa or a bitter Scrooge? Let's find out!
It's Christmas! Are you a jolly Santa or a bitter Scrooge? Let's find out!

Pick a Christmas tree:
You bump into someone under the mistletoe at a holiday party, you....
What's your reaction to this?
You have a book that you think you can get away with re-gifting but you can't remember who gave it to you. You....
You're dreaming of.....
Choose a wrapping paper.
What's your favorite Christmas movie of the following?
You see a Navity Scene at your City Hall. You...
Holiday sweaters...
You're Santa!
You're Santa!
You're Santa! You're full of cheer and holiday spirit during this most wonderful time of year! But you're also an introvert (spending most of the year at the North Pole, and all). Your naturally giving, sentimental and loving personality makes you right at home during the Christmas season. Or you may just LOVE presents, but there's nothing you'd rather be doing than drinking eggnog, making snow angels and watching the Christmas tree glow! Spread your holiday cheer to those around you, and you'll make Christmas even more wonderful this year! Ho, Ho, Ho! Merry Christmas!
You're Scrooge!
You're Scrooge!
You're Scrooge! Let's face it, Christmas just might not be for you. You can't stand the tacky decorations, the obnoxious carolling and the consumerist pressures to buy, buy, buy. You might be a little bitter, but you're okay with that. Remember, however, that you might have a change of heart when the ghosts of Christmas past and future come knocking on your door! Merry Christmas!