What Structure Is Your Personality?
What Structure Is Your Personality?
How is your personality built? Let's find out!
How is your personality built? Let's find out!

Which picture more accurately depicts your morning routine?
How short is your fuse?
Describe your father in one of the following words.
Describe your mother in one of the following words.
Which frightens you more?
What would you rather being doing right now?
What do you see?
Choose a Greek god/goddess.
Powerful Super Ego, Weak Ego, Powerful Id
Powerful Super Ego, Weak Ego, Powerful Id
You have a powerful super ego, weak ego, and powerful id! According to Freud the id is the part of our personalities made up of our instinctual needs and urges; the super-ego plays the critical and moralizing role that keeps our id in check; and the ego is the organized, realistic part of our personalities that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego. With a weak ego stuck between your powerful super ego and id, you often find yourself in a conflict between the proverbial angel and the devil on your shoulder. You have strong and powerful sexual desires but often feel guilty for over indulging. You may find it difficult to control your temper despite having a strong inner voice that keeps in your check. You can go through periods of time where you're incredibly self-disciplined and an impressive overachiever. However, you can easily and quickly go in the opposite extreme and give into your most primal instincts. They key is developing a strong and healthy ego to balance out your personality!
Normal Super Ego, Balanced Ego, Healthy Id
Normal Super Ego, Balanced Ego, Healthy Id
You have a normal super ego, balanced ego, an healthy id. According to Freud the id is the part of our personalities made up of our instinctual needs and urges; the super-ego plays the critical and moralizing role that keeps our id in check; and the ego is the organized, realistic part of our personalities that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego. With a normal super ego that keeps you moral and responsible, a healthy id with a natural amount of sexual and violent urges, and a balanced ego to mediate between the two, you have a perfectly well rounded personality! Well done, Freud would approve!
Weak Super Ego, Weak Ego, Strong Id
Weak Super Ego, Weak Ego, Strong Id
You have a weak super ego, weak ego, and strong id. According to Freud the id is the part of our personalities made up of our instinctual needs and urges; the super-ego plays the critical and moralizing role that keeps our id in check; and the ego is the organized, realistic part of our personalities that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego. With a weak super ego and ego, but a powerful id, you have strong and unchecked sexual and violent urges. The id is our most primal and animal survival instinct, that seeks to create and procreate. It demands instant sanctification and has no natural checks and balances. With a powerful id you have very strong urges that you often find difficult to control. Work to channel these urges in more healthy ways and you'll quickly see how much better you'll feel!
Powerful Super Ego, Weak Ego, Weak Id
Powerful Super Ego, Weak Ego, Weak Id
You have a powerful super ego, weak ego, and weak id. According to Freud the id is the part of our personalities made up of our instinctual needs and urges; the super-ego plays the critical and moralizing role that keeps our id in check; and the ego is the organized, realistic part of our personalities that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego. With such a power super ego, you are the ultimate perfectionist and overachiever. You have a very strong inner voice that drives and pushes you. You never allow yourself to loose control and give into your desires. You are always on a mission to break the record, achieve more, and be the most successful person you can be. An overdeveloped super ego, however, puts too much pressure on your personality and can easily lead to problems. Loosen up and let live once in a while!