Which Holiday Are You Really According To The Colors You Love?
Which Holiday Are You Really According To The Colors You Love?
Color psychology tells us that our instinctive color preferences reveal the deepest parts of our personalities. Which Holiday are you according to your favorite colors?
Color psychology tells us that our instinctive color preferences reveal the deepest parts of our personalities. Which Holiday are you according to your favorite colors?
Which of the following colors are you most drawn to?
Which color do you associate with the best parts of your childhood?
Which color reminds you of your first love?
What color eyes are you most attracted to?
What color do you most associate with winter?
Which color group reminds you of your family?
Which color do you most associate with travel and adventure?
Which color would you rather wear on a night out on the town?
If you only had the following colors for your bedroom, which would your choose?
Which of these colors do you most dislike?
You're Christmas! According to the colors you chose, you're energetic, incredibly generous and always ready to help others without thinking twice! Christmas is a time of cheer, giving, and hope. There's no other time of the year that so perfectly matches your spirit! Like most people you have your cynical moments, but deep down you're a sincere and genuine soul with an open invitation to the North Pole! Kindness and rosy cheeks suit you best, and there's no time of year that you're more blessed! You are Christmas!
New Years
New Years
You're New Years! Based on the colors you choose you're an outgoing and energetic person who loves new opportunities. You're creative, quirky and constantly imagining new possibilities. You're a dreamer at heart. This is exactly why you're New Years! New Year is all about ringing in the new year with positivity, goals and dreams. This time of year is incredibly important to you as you take stock of your mistakes from the last year and aim higher for the coming year! Set your sights on the sky, because there's nothing that better matches your personality that new beginnings and new opportunities!
You're Hannukah! Based on the colors you chose, you're the light in the cold darkness. You're the energetic and miraculous triumph over oppression. You are the ficker of hope in the darkness of despair! An ancient holiday that celebrates the victory of the weak few over the mighty many, Hannukah perfectly matches your passion for fairness and freedom. Based on your color choices, you have a caring and emphatic personality that always seeks to set things right. There's nothing you despise more than injustice! Your passion for freedom, self-expression and fairness all make your personality Hannukah!
Valentines Day
Valentines Day
You're Valentines Day! Based on the colors you chose you're a hopeless romantic with a passion for love! You're either searching for your one, true soul-mate or you're happily coupled with the love of your life. Either way, you know that the greatest thing in life is to love and be loved. You chose colors that indicate a passionate, loving and sexual personality. You have a warmth and passion that melts even the coldest of hearts. You are a lover, not a fighter, and Valentines Day is a perfect celebration of YOU!
You're Halloween! You chose colors that indicate a mysterious and passionate personality that loves the darker side of things. Whether it be spirituality, black humor, or spooky films, you're naturally drawn to the unknown and unexplained. You naturally and confidently explore the mysterious depths of life and you're not afraid to ask the tough questions. You're a highly evolved and brave spirit who isn't afraid of anything! You're most likely incredibly creative though few may understand the brilliance of your work. Often misunderstood, you can become easily frustrated. But do not despair, on that one day of the year when the boundary between this world and "the other side" disappears, you're free to be you! You are Halloween!
St. Patricks Day
St. Patricks Day
You're St. Patricks Day! You chose colors that indicate you're fun, hilarious, and love to have a good time! Just like St. Patrick's day you're a walking, drunken spring holiday! You love to let loose and have a good time. Always the joker and prankster, you pride yourself on making everyone laugh and you have a unique talent of lighting up any room you walk into. Funny, rambunctious and irresistible, you bring the party wherever you go! Whether by birth or by choice, you've naturally got the luck of the Irish! You're St. Patricks day!