Which Republican Candidate For President Are You?
Which Republican Candidate For President Are You?
The GOP field is full of passionate (and controversial) candidates for President! Which one of the Republican candidates for president are you most like? Rand Paul or Donald Trump? Maybe Ted Cruz? Let's find out!
The GOP field is full of passionate (and controversial) candidates for President! Which one of the Republican candidates for president are you most like? Rand Paul or Donald Trump? Maybe Ted Cruz? Let's find out!
![Felix Stablum](http://cdn.ex.co/cdn/UserImages/444df436-bc70-4523-9a6b-cc875189f98e.jpg)
Are you a Republican?
If you're a Republican, how would you describe yourself?
Who's your political idol?
Who's your ultimate political nemesis?
Where could be find you at the Iowa state fair?
What's your personal downfall?
Who's hotter?
What's the biggest threat to America?
Marco Rubio
Marco Rubio
You're most like Marco Rubio!You're a new generation of the Grand Ol' Party. You're young, fresh and more dedicated than ever to the Conservative cause. You're a mix of social and fiscal conservatism that sets you a part as a well balanced and passionate Republican that moderates and independents can easily relate to! You are the future of the GOP! What do you think? Let us know!
Rand Paul
Rand Paul
You're most like Rand Paul! You may or may not identify as a Republican, but one thing is for sure, you love liberty! You're sick of the establishment and want a political revolution based on traditional, constitutional values. You want Big Brother out of your bank account and off your property! You're incredibly passionate, so much so that you quickly loose your temper in political arguments! You may come across too strong, but you're simply passionate about the cause!
Chris Christie
Chris Christie
You're most like Chris Christie. You're a traditional Republican with a moderate bent. You easily relate to other moderates and independents while maintaining your conservative values. You care deeply about national security issues and Hillary Clinton is your worst nightmare! What do you think? Are you most like Christ Christie?
Jeb Bush
Jeb Bush
You're most like Jeb Bush! You're a traditional Republican who misses the good ol' days of Bush and Cheney. You still think that Bush got a bad rap and after 8 years of Obama, you're ready for another Bush in office! You're well connected and powerful, just like Jeb, and you respect strong leadership. What do you think? Are you like Jeb Bush?
Ted Cruz
Ted Cruz
You're most like Ted Cruz! You're a social conservative with a deep sense of patriotism. You're sick and tired of the extreme liberal agenda that has taken American down a dangerous path of abortion on demand and sexual promiscuity. You believe that America's return to greatness can only be possible with traditional, family values and strong-handed foreign policy. You believe in America and you have a vision deeply rooted in your faith and values! What do you think? Let us know!
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
You're most like Donald Trump! Though not always a Republican, you're sick and tired of Obama and want to restore America to greatness! You're confident, passionate, successful and incredibly opinionated! You believe that everyone has the ability to pull him or herself up by their bootstraps and you're sick of big government intervening to nanny people. You believe in capitalism and you know that America can be great again! You see illegal immigration as the biggest threat facing America today and you want to build a wall and immediately deport all illegals! If other people don't like that, well you just don't care... because you know you're right! What do you think? Are you like The Donald?