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What Mythical Beast's Eyes Do You Have?

Do you have to keen eye of a griffon or the sharp, fiery eye of a dragon.

Take this quiz and find out.

Fernan Queen
Created by Fernan Queen (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 15, 2015

How are you feeling right now?

Choose an animal.

How easy is it to get you angry?

How would your friends describe you?

Why would you start a fight?

How do you look up to the most?

Choose your favorite element!

Introvert? Or Maybe Extrovert....

What would make you cry, most likely?

Pick the image that you are most drawn to.

Dragon Eyes

Dragon Eyes

You have dragon eyes!!!
You have a fiery temper but yet you are kind and gentle inside. People often are afraid of you which makes you seen mean, but when people get to know you you really are caring and kind. You keep close to your friends and will do anything to defend then. That makes you an even more wonderful friend to have.

Griffon Eyes

Griffon Eyes

You have Griffon Eyes!!

People quiver when you give them a death stare. You are strong willed and will stand up for what you believe in.Some people find that rude, but you are as loyal as they come.You never stab some one in the back, but if they back stab you they better run.

Fairy Eyes

Fairy Eyes

You have fairy eyes!!!

People often don't notice you because you stick to the shadows. You are a true animal and nature lover. As soon as you see one of those in danger you step out of the shadows. Once people get to know to real you, you won't shut up.

Unicorn Eyes

Unicorn Eyes

You have unicorn eyes!!!

You are gentle and very graceful. You are very shy and you only have a few select friends. You are a listener and not a talker but, you are very honest. You find the bright side to anything.

Cyclops Eye

Cyclops Eye

You have a cyclops eye!!

People often think of you as a bully and jerk, but to be honest you only want to make friend. But the way you do it is off. You are very kind but are a bit out of place in society. You are very often picked on, but you are hopeful you will meet a nice person. Don't worry that person is coming.

Serpent Eyes

Serpent Eyes

You have serpent eyes!!!

People are very often drawn to you because you are such a mystery. You keep every thing to yourself and you rarely talk. You have a glare that can freeze anyone in their tracks. This does not mean that you are rude, but you don't like people much.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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