94% Of Americans Cannot Complete These 24 Basic Phrases
94% Of Americans Cannot Complete These 24 Basic Phrases
Only 6% of Americans passed this English drill.
Only 6% of Americans passed this English drill.

Pass the _____.
Curiosity killed the _____.
Best thing since sliced _____.
Not a _____ of decency.
WOW! You're in the top 6%.
WOW! You're in the top 6%.
You are phenomenal!! Only 6% of Americans completed these American idioms and phrases. You are an exceptional thinker. You automatically read letter combinations and scan through texts without losing your focus. You have a purpose for reading, and you subconsciously monitor that purpose while reading a text. You catch satire and puns, and you can usually predict what is about happen in movies and books. Let us know below if we are spot on.
Uh Oh :(
Uh Oh :(
You failed the test. But the good news is - you are part of the 94%. Share the news with the world.