Find Out If You Have The Intelligence Of A Scientist Or An Artist In 3 Questions
Find Out If You Have The Intelligence Of A Scientist Or An Artist In 3 Questions
"Every art should become science, and every science should become art."
"Every art should become science, and every science should become art."

Which is π ?
How many planets in our solar system have no moon?
What did you see first?
You're a true idealist, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events! You instinctively search for ways to make things better. While you may be perceived as calm, you have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine in your work of art . The creative harmony you feel is a fountain of joy and inspiration for those around you. You're a master of words and emotion with incredible potential.
You're a scientist! You have the intelligence of a critical and rational thinker. You are confident and self-assured with a passion for facts and data. You see the world as it is and you have a strong desire to understand how things work. You weigh all of the options before you make a decisions and in the end you always follow your head over your heart. You're intelligent, capable and industrious. You find the natural world fascinating and there's nothing you enjoy more than understanding why things are the way they are! We're counting on you for the next great discovery or breakthrough!