The Most Beautiful Test Will Determine Your Dominant Spiritual Color!
The Most Beautiful Test Will Determine Your Dominant Spiritual Color!
According to a scientific color test, every person has one color which dominates his vision. What does this dominant color say about your spiritual color?
According to a scientific color test, every person has one color which dominates his vision. What does this dominant color say about your spiritual color?

Which color is most dominant to you?
Which color is most dominant to you?
Which color is most dominant to you?
Your dominant spiritual color is Red!
Your dominant spiritual color is Red!
Like a fire, you burn with passion and desire. Your dominant personality trait is your ardency. You are dynamic, powerful, strong, sexy, and exciting. Because you're so intense, you can be very aggressive. You are a determined and highly competitive person who invests 100% in everything you do.
Your dominant spiritual color is Blue
Your dominant spiritual color is Blue
This means that you are very sensitive and in touch with your feelings. You are compassionate, gentle, and kind. You follow a spiritual path, seeking happiness and enlightenment. You are also calm, quiet, and tend to be passive. You do not like confrontation so you try to work things out as peacefully as possible.
Your dominant spiritual color is Yellow!
Your dominant spiritual color is Yellow!
This means you are in fact, a sage. You are extremely wise and rational. In Buddhism, green represents a mind that is the embodiment of intelligence. Your mind is ripe with knowledge and rich with experience. You are creative, but also a bit neurotic. You have the tendency to be very defensive and controlling, but it's only because you truly are the smartest.
Your dominant spiritual color is Green!
Your dominant spiritual color is Green!
This means you are bright, cheerful, and optimistic. Like the sun, you are a ray of light. You are also very spontaneous. You have an abundance of energy, and you're constantly seeking adventure and exhilaration. You love surprises and you thrive in the unexpected.