We Can Figure Out Your Accent In Three Questions
We Can Figure Out Your Accent In Three Questions
Let's find out!
Let's find out!

How do you pronounce caramel?
What do you call a sweetened carbonated beverage?
"Mary," "merry," and "marry".
You have a North Eastern accent! The Northeast is full of different accents, but they're grouped together as a regional accent group. You would never say "Ya'll" or "pop"! People "out west" and "down south" sound absolutely bizarre to you. You know what a Pill bug is, and if you don't you probably call it a "Potato bug". You've spent at least one Saturday at a "Tag Sale".
You have a southern accent! You're shocked that people think "pin" and "pen" are pronounced differently, and you find it bizarre that people actually call coke "pop"! And of course, your day isn't complete without saying "ya'll"! The Southern dialects make up the largest accent group in the United States!
You have the Midland or Western accent! Sometimes just called "Midwestern" but distinct from your friends up north who have the "North Central" or "Upper Midwest" accent. You drink pop and love car-ml covered apples. Your home State is probably full of beautiful corn fields or impressive mountains.. You have no idea why people from "back East" sound so funny (and talk so fast!).
New England
New England
You have a New England accent! You have yard sales and you know what a "Pill bug" is! "Mary," "merry," and "marry" might all sound differently to you, or you may just say "merry" differently than the other two. Interestingly, the New England accent is traditionally marked by its non-rhoticity (dropping r's) in words like car, card, fear, etc. But this feature is disappearing! Your accent is very unique! While you're enjoying the beautiful Fall colors, take pride in your awesome accent!