What Not To Say Or Do When You're Running For President
What Not To Say Or Do When You're Running For President
Mistakes that cost these candidates their presidential campaigns!
Mistakes that cost these candidates their presidential campaigns!

Nervously sweat too much
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While JFK appeared vibrant and dashing, smiling, and in control, Richard Nixon was profusely sweating, pale and chalky looking, his eyes shifty.
Play dress up soldier
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In 1988 Dukakis tried to show just how tough he'd be as commander and chief. Instead, he reminded people of a little boy playing soldier.
Impatiently check your watch
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Fair or not, George Bush checking his watch right before being asked a question was used to paint him as out of touch and disrespectful.
Say you invented the internet
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Though slightly misquoted, Al Gore's statement what the worked to "create the internet" stuck and had a lasting impact on his campaign.
Scream like a possessed banshee
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Although the polls showed Dean leading the Democratic pack, late-night hosts had a field day with “the scream,” and the campaign never recovered.
Not read the news....ever
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Palin's inability to name at least one news source painted the 2008 Vice-Presidential candidate as under-prepared and ignorant.
Draw a blank and have NO idea what to do
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"Oops". During the 2012 Republican Presidential Debate, Gov. Rick Perry torpedoed his own campaign by blanking and having no idea what to do.
Say 47% of Americans are lazy, entitled loafers on benefits
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Romney's comment that 47% of Americans will support Obama no matter what because they're entitled and on benefits was a dark moment for his campaign.