Which Fairy Tale Was Actually Written About You?
Which Fairy Tale Was Actually Written About You?
Once upon a time, a fairy tale was written about your life! Which one was it?
Once upon a time, a fairy tale was written about your life! Which one was it?

Which of these classic children's books would you rather read?
If you could have any of these magical powers, which would you choose?
Would you rather spend time indoors or outdoors?
Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
Possessing both beauty and brains, you really are a total package! While you don't need a handsome prince to save you, you're still open to the idea of true love. When jealous competitors like Maleficent try to come after you and take you down, always remember that when people hate on you, it's because you've got something that they want. You're destined to live happily ever after!
Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood
What a brilliant personality you have! As you navigate your way through the forest of life, you've certainly encountered many big, BAD wolves along the way. This may have made it difficult for you to trust others, however, you're fearless, resilient and strong. Always believe in yourself and soon, the wolves will be scared of you! RAWR!
Just like Cinderella, you have encountered envious individuals who would rather keep all of your brilliance and beauty locked away rather than letting you shine. Throughout your life, you've transformed quite a bit, just like Cinderella. You know that believing in yourself combined with a little bit of love and magic is all it takes to live happily ever after!
Snow White
Snow White
Just like Snow White, there are many that are jealous of not only your beauty, but your talent as well. Over the years, you've grown more aware of those who are deceptive and learned who you can and cannot trust. Sure, people may have passed you poison apples in your past, but this has made you more independent and resilient and you'll think twice before taking snacks from strangers from now on!
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
You are a particularly particular person who wants to maintain order in your life and make sure things are juuuuuust right You like to stay organized and have control over your environment whenever possible. However, this is not to say that you don't let loose every now and then.
The Princess and the Pea
The Princess and the Pea
While some people may call you high maintenance, the truth is, you're actually a sensitive person who is perceptive to your environment. Once people understand this about you, they realize that you have a royal heart of gold. You really do deserve the best!