🇬🇧 My First Festival / June 2018
🇬🇧 My First Festival / June 2018
Discover the team you could be in the workshop "My First Festival"!
Discover the team you could be in the workshop "My First Festival"!

What do you do when the episode of your favorite series ends?
Watch this short film entirely.
What did you like in this short film?
At school, what are you doing in the schoolyard?
Look at this short movie.
What touches you the most?
For you, a good film must:
What is your first question after watching this clip?
What does your favorite Sunday look like?
Among this selection, what is your favorite toy?
What would be your favorite holiday camp?
You are in the team of animators!
You are in the team of animators!
Make dreams come true!
Since you were a kid, you dreamed that your teddy bears come alive when your back was turned. You like art but not frozen image? You like art in motion! ... so look no further: you are born an animator! The animator is the one who makes the animation characters so real. He sets them in motion, composes an acting game and animates a palette of expressions to the characters created by the artistic director!
Join the jury members of Sacrebleu Film Festival as an Animator!
Throughout this difficult period where kids will stay at home more than usual. Sacrebleu propose to participate to an online Film Festival adapted to several ages and the whole family.
You are in the team of artistic direction!
You are in the team of artistic direction!
You draw with ease and you can create a world with 2 walnut shells and 1 string? You spend hours in the bath, immersed in the universe that you created with your plastic ducks? You are the artistic director that everyone want!
The artistic director is the person who creates the entire universe of an animated film: the nature, the landscapes, the cities and the main characters, EVERYTHING! He must be inspired and immerse himself in the script to perfectly match the scriptwriter's idea.
Join the jury members of Sacrebleu Film Festival as an Artistic Director!
Throughout this difficult period where kids will stay at home more than usual. Sacrebleu propose to participate to an online Film Festival adapted to several ages and the whole family.
You are in the team of scriptwriters!
You are in the team of scriptwriters!
Your friends think you have the best game ideas! You tell the best stories of all the playground. Do you turn any punishment of your parents into Greek tragedy?
Well, in a few years, people around the world will pay to see your stories on the screens! Isn't it great?
The scriptwriter writes rhythmic and captivating stories. He puts the film on paper. Dialogues, adventures, actions : without him the film could not exist. The screenwriter has a very important role. He guides the director on the shooting of the film and ensures that his scenario is respected. He is the one who has the very complex role of adapting books to film!
Join the jury members of Sacrebleu Film Festival as a Scriptwriter!
Throughout this difficult period where kids will stay at home more than usual. Sacrebleu propose to participate to an online Film Festival adapted to several ages and the whole family.
You're in the movie review team!
You're in the movie review team!
Could you listen for hours to the stories your parents told you without falling asleep? The most important for you is to cross new worlds ... and especially to discuss with your friends.You will be perfect in your role as a cinema critic!
The film critic evaluates an animated film according to several criteria: history, mastery of technology, the message of the film and finally, he shares his feelings, his emotions on the work but pay attention to rigor! Emotions are not the only criteria of a critic! "I like / I do not like but I do not know why!"! is the sentence to banish from your vocabulary!
Join the jury members of Sacrebleu Film Festival as a film critic!
Throughout this difficult period where kids will stay at home more than usual. Sacrebleu propose to participate to an online Film Festival adapted to several ages and the whole family.
You are in the music composer team!
You are in the music composer team!
You listened to the music in your mom's belly! Anything in your room is a potential tam tam? You master perfectly the sound of the slapping whip or the sound of a plane crashing? PERFECT!
The musical composer is responsible for voices, sound effects and of course the melodies of an animated film. Perhaps it is difficult to see its importance from the first viewing. The melody and the sound effects make it possible to illustrate and give life to the world drawn by the artistic director! Can you imagine Pixar's Nemo film without the sounds of fins or waves?
Join the jury members of Sacrebleu Film Festival as a Music Composer!
Throughout this difficult period where kids will stay at home more than usual. Sacrebleu propose to participate to an online Film Festival adapted to several ages and the whole family.
You are in the team of Film directors!
You are in the team of Film directors!
You love EVERYTHING: incredible stories, birds singing, beautiful landscapes and colorful characters! In your band of friends, you are the one who motivates and orchestrates the breakaways! You are able to see and make the most of each of your friends!
The director is the one who is the conductor of the film. He makes the decisions on the characters, the set, the music but especially the story: it must remain captivating to watch! It is he who represents the whole team during the presentation of the film! Watch out for the storm if your movie is not appreciated by film critics but win all the praise if the film is a great success!
Join the jury members of Sacrebleu Film Festival as a Film Director!
Throughout this difficult period where kids will stay at home more than usual. Sacrebleu propose to participate to an online Film Festival adapted to several ages and the whole family.