What is your Magical power

What can you do with the magic outside?

Created by Fiona (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Dec 3, 2015

How many friends do you have?

What do you do after school?

What is your favorite song of these?

what is your favorite season?

What is your worst trait?



You wish to be able to fly with all your heart, but you already can! You soar the skies and dance through clouds. You are never worried or afraid when you fly, the world is yours!



Everyone looks to you for a burst of strength, literally, you are all the time at the gym doing gymnastics and other sports like football. You believe in yourself and are an all powering person.

comanding voice

comanding voice

You have a power of amazing capability. Your power may sound weak, but it's not! One of the best powers and one of the strongest, most powerful is the commanding voice. You are hard to say no to, like it's almost impossible, when ever you want something you get it. EVERYONE listens to you.

Nature controlling

Nature controlling

You love the world, you could just let the earth and water absorb you happily being part of the nature you love. You would be walking through the forests, fields, rivers, and mountains everyday if you did not have a important treasure you protect whatever that may be (living or not).

spells and medicine

spells and medicine

You chose peace over war, light over dark, wisdom is your strength. You care about all beings, even if there is no ounce of light in them you see plenty of light. You cannot help seeing the good, you wish to help all with you exceeding patience and brave words, you are not all perfect and good yourself but always try your best may not always be as good as someone else but you know that and are willing to admit it.

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On Nov 18, 2021