Which American Beauty Character Are You?
Which American Beauty Character Are You?
Discover right now which American Beauty character you are!
Discover right now which American Beauty character you are!
Pick your favorite color
In your spare time, you..
What do you value the most?
Which one do you admire the most?
Pick your favorite movie
Pick a city
What's your dream job?
What are you the most afraid of?
What's your motto in life?
And finally, pick the image that appeals to you the most
Lester Burnham
Lester Burnham
You're bold, honest and do whatever you want. But your family still remains important to you.
Oh, and nobody messes with you.
Carolyn Burnham
Carolyn Burnham
You're independent, strong and a fighter. When you want something you get it! You tend to be obsessed with perfection, but who said that was a flaw?
You rule!
Jane Burnham
Jane Burnham
You hate almost everybody and everything. But deep down you're very insecure. Your introvert personnality tends to cut you off from your friends and family. You only open your heart to someone very special to you.
You're not a freak, you're just unique!
Angela Hayes
Angela Hayes
You're a hot babe and you know it. You tend to take advantage of your looks and sometimes forget you're not just a pretty face. You are sassy but only to hide your sensitive and caring side.
Also, you're far from being ordinary. You couldn't even if you tried!
Colonel Frank Fitts
Colonel Frank Fitts
You are a very conservative and patriotic person. You tend to solve everything with violence. And use hate to defeat the fear of being true to yourself.
You love your family even though you struggle to show them how much you care.
Open your heart and it'll be fine!
Ricky Fitts
Ricky Fitts
You are a very mysterious person and only opens up to the ones that deserve it. You are confident and you see the world in your own way. Your sensitive personality helps you to see clear in everybody.
You're unique!