Pick A Thanksgiving Food and Get a Book Recommendation
Pick A Thanksgiving Food and Get a Book Recommendation
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Thanksgiving is about being with family and friends, giving thanks, and most importantly, food. After you eat to your heart's content, you'll want to take your bulging belly and go lie down, preferably with the perfect book to complement your favorite dish. So, to find out what book you'll be reading while you wonder if you'll ever eat again, choose which food you reach for first at the Thanksgiving dinner table.
The First Thanksgiving: What the Real Story Tells Us About Loving God and Learning From History
The First Thanksgiving: What the Real Story Tells Us About Loving God and Learning From History
You chose the main course! You're a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to Thanksgiving; you'll want your reading material to match your eating style. Check out The First Thanksgiving by Robert Tracy McKenzie for your post-dinner, pre-nap reading time.
Love and Other Hot Beverages
Love and Other Hot Beverages
You've got a sweet tooth and it shows in your Thanksgiving option and your reading choice! But sweet potatoes are sugary candy, they've got a hint of savor to them. That's why Love and Other Hot Beverages by Laurie Loft is perfect for you: a sweet love story with some tough subjects. Bon appetit!
Sweet Revenge
Sweet Revenge
Dessert is the best course of any meal, so of course pumpkin pie is your favorite! Most sweet things in life are the best things in life; dessert, revenge. For an entire collection of the best foods on earth as well as a lesson in "just desserts" check out Sweet Revenge by Heather Kim.
Thanksgiving 1959
Thanksgiving 1959
Stuffing goes with turkey like football goes with Thanksgiving; each a side dish or activity but the main event wouldn't be the same without it. For the best Thanksgiving combination there is, check out Thanksgiving 1959 by Jay Price.
Beautiful Ape Girl Baby
Beautiful Ape Girl Baby
Cranberries are an unconventional favorite, so this book is the perfect fit for your tastes. Not altogether sweet or bitter, this complex read will hit the spot for your cranberry lovin' taste buds. Check out Beautiful Ape Girl Baby by Heather Fowler to satisfy your craving.
Scalping Columbus and Other Damn Indian Stories
Scalping Columbus and Other Damn Indian Stories
If you're boycotting Thanksgiving, chances are you've got a beef with Columbus and the others who came and claimed the new (that wasn't all that new) for themselves. If you've got family asking why you're turning your nose up at their holiday, share your wisdom from Scalping Columbus and Other Damn Indian Stories by Adam Fortunate Eagle.
The Sioux Chef's Indigenous Kitchen
The Sioux Chef's Indigenous Kitchen
If you love green bean casserole, chances are you love dishes that require some real cooking (not like just mashing a potato; let's put some work into it.) And since it's Thanksgiving, it's the perfect time to celebrate recipes of indigenous people! For some culture and yummy creations, check out The Sioux Chef's Indigenous Kitchen by Sean Sherman.
Alone on the Shield
Alone on the Shield
The character of this book seeks solitude and some clarity; much like one might expect from the simple potato. But much like the potato, this book is actually more complex and intriguing than it's name suggests. Plus, the corssover of romance and adventure perfectly matches the potato and gravy pair. For the perfect potato-esque story, check out Alone on the Shield by Kirk Landers.