What type of Smart are you?

There are 3 different types of smart. Book smart, the people who know a lot of academic/other things. Street smart, the people who know how to handle them selves in real life. Finally, people smart, the true extraverts.

Created by ForlornSisu (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Aug 8, 2015

If you are in a fight what do you do?

Are/were you popular of unpopular in school?

What would you prefer?

If you are invited to a random social event do you go?

Which type of profession would you choose?

In school what were/are you best at?

Book Smart

Book Smart

You know almost everything. Academics are a total breeze for you. You will be very successful in life, however you may not get along well with others. But, you will probably have very close friends.

Street Smart

Street Smart

You know your way through anywhere. Know one can get though you or trick you. No one should ever be able to beat you in a fight. You may have quite a few friends.

People Smart

People Smart

You know others like the back of you hand. You can control people easily. Everybody likes you and you have a ton of friends. Enjoy your success.

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