How well do you know…? Rebecca

Daphne du Maurier’s 1938 thriller has never been out of print and has kept many of us awake all night to find out what happened (guilty as charged!). A thriller, romance, psychological mystery and modern gothic tale - not since Jane Eyre has a heroine faced such difficulty with the Other Woman!

For Reading Addicts
Created by For Reading Addicts (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Oct 9, 2016
1 / 25

Finish the opening line of Rebecca: ‘Last night I dreamt I went…’

2 / 25

Which ‘wall of blood red flowers’ are often described as sinister and threatening?

3 / 25

What is the name of Max’s younger dog?

4 / 25

Where do Max and the narrator meet?

5 / 25

What is the narrator’s job with the ghastly Mrs Van Hopper?

6 / 25

How does Max describe the narrator’s name?

7 / 25

Who says, ‘An empty house can be as lonely as a full hotel.’

8 / 25

What does the narrator do to Rebecca’s inscription on the title page of poems Max gives her?

9 / 25

What is the name of the Footman at Manderley?

10 / 25

What is Mrs Danvers described as when the narrator first arrives at Manderley?

11 / 25

What does Rebecca’s bedroom suite overlook?

12 / 25

What relation is Beatrice to Max?

13 / 25

What position does Crawley hold at Manderley?

14 / 25

How does the narrator first meet Ben on the beach?

15 / 25

Who does Max suggest the narrator dresses up as for the Ball?

16 / 25

The costume the narrator copies is from a painting of whom?

17 / 25

Who is Jack Favell?

18 / 25

What does Jack Favell call Mrs Danvers?

19 / 25

Mrs Danvers urges the narrator to jump from the window. What interrupts them?

20 / 25

The night she died, what did Rebecca tell Maxim?

21 / 25

What was the coroner's verdict, after Rebecca's body turns up?

22 / 25

What is the name of Rebecca’s boat?

23 / 25

What name does Rebecca use when visiting the doctor?

24 / 25

Who has terrified Ben about putting him in the asylum?

25 / 25

‘She cared for nothing and no one. But she was beaten in the end.’ What does Mrs Danvers think finally got the better of Rebecca?

Questions left
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On Nov 18, 2021