The Life and Works of Roald Dahl
The Life and Works of Roald Dahl
Roald Dahl was born on September 13th 1916. His life was as dramatic and tragic as any of his stories – a life in which he played many parts during his 74 years. Many of those events turned up in the books we loved to read when we were children and then read to our own children. Thanks for the happy times, Mr Dahl.
Roald Dahl was born on September 13th 1916. His life was as dramatic and tragic as any of his stories – a life in which he played many parts during his 74 years. Many of those events turned up in the books we loved to read when we were children and then read to our own children. Thanks for the happy times, Mr Dahl.

In George’s Marvellous Medicine, which revolting relative of George’s is the medicine designed for?
For which classic children’s film did Dahl write the screenplay?
The BFG is dedicated to Dahl’s daughter who died from measles at 7 years old. What was her name?
What was the career of Dahl’s first wife, Patricia?
In which branch of the Armed Forces did Dahl serve during World War 2?
Which of Dahl’s novels sends a strong anti hunting message featuring the Gregg family who get turned into the animals they hunt?
Charlie’s grandparents are Joe/Josephine and…?
In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, how many Golden Tickets are issued?
What is the name of the first part of Dahl’s autobiography?
Dahl’s first major children’s novel was published in 1961, which one was it?
Which Dahl story features a tortoise called Alfie who brings two lonely people together?
Which chocolate company sent boxes of new varieties to the school to be tested out by the pupils?
For which Sean Connery Bond film did Dahl write the screenplay in 1967?
Which of Dahl’s heroines attends the dreadful Crunchem Hall Primary School?
Which Dahl novel features Boggis, Bunce and Bean?
Which country did his parents come from?
Revolting Rhymes features poems based on fairy tales. Which tale did Dahl not turn into a Revolting Rhyme?
Where did Dahl write many of his stories?
What was the title of Dahl’s dark, macabre short stories published in 1979?
Which novel ends, ‘…he thought it would be nice if one day he sat down and wrote it as a book. So he did. And that is what you have just finished reading.’
Which county did Dahl makes his home in 1954?
Which novel begins, ‘What a lot of hairy-faced men there are around nowadays.’
In his 1983 poetry collection, Dirty Beasts, which Beast springs wings and becomes a celebrity?
In what part of the UK was Dahl born in?
At which private school was he educated for 5 miserable years of cruelty and physical violence?