[Quiz] Which Office Personality Are You?
[Quiz] Which Office Personality Are You?
While offices may change, the types of people who work in one are always unique. Where do you fit in? Take our quiz to find out.
While offices may change, the types of people who work in one are always unique. Where do you fit in? Take our quiz to find out.

Which stapler speaks to you?
Pick a pen
Select a scissor
The Talker
The Talker
The talker thrives off of taking about others in the office. You don’t really care what you’re talking about as long as you have input be it gossip, talking about others in the office, weekend plans, or what is on the menu for dinner. You know everything about everyone in the office even if you don’t work in someone’s department. You do have good intentions but just really enjoy knowing everyone’s business.
By the way, we know that when you have headphones on you’re not listening to music but we can keep that as our little secret.
The Optimist
The Optimist
Smiling is your favorite. Looking on the brightside of life is your modus operandi even when skies are gray. You have more often than not been called perky, on cloud nine, cheerful, merry, and upbeat, which you love!
Thanks for being there to bring up our spirits when we’re in the weeds but do you think you could tone down the rose-colored view of the world just a bit?
The Go-To Co-Worker
The Go-To Co-Worker
You’re the first person in and the last person to leave – and that’s by choice. Working hard is in your blood and you just wouldn’t feel truly fulfilled without it. You’re a gem of an employee - keep up the great work!
But don’t forget about your social life because all work and no play make’s Jack a dull boy.
The Mom
The Mom
Caring for people is something that comes second nature you and leaving that instinct at home is impossible. Whenever someone has the sniffles or a tummy ache, they know exactly which co-worker to turn to.
Just remember, people don’t need help blowing their nose, they can handle it but thanks for the help!
The Old-timer
The Old-timer
You are probably one of the first employees of the company and boy do you let people know it. Every little secret that comes through the office doors, you know about. You have seen it all and you love to remind people of that.
Times are changing; it’s time to trade in that typewriter for a laptop already!