Inner Pokemon Type
Inner Pokemon Type
If you went to the park, and someone comes up and steals your wallet, what would you do?
How would you describe yourself?
What Is Your Favorite Color?
What Is Your Taste In Music?
What Is Your Favorite Animal Listed?
What Are Some Talents You Have Listed Below?
(if you have multiple talents listed, choose your favorite)
Male or Female
What Is Your Favorite Pokemon's Type
(Ex: Pikachu is my favorite, his type is electric)
If you don't know, pick random
Do You Trust Everyone Around You?
How Would You Describe Your Actions?
On A Scale From Terrible-Epic, How Good Was This Quiz?
(This Question Will Not Effect Results)
Grass Type
Grass Type
Electric Type
Electric Type
Poison Type
Poison Type
Psychic Type
Psychic Type
Water Type
Water Type
Fire Type
Fire Type
Bug Type
Bug Type
Ice Type
Ice Type