What Shakespeare Play Is Actually Based On Your Life?

Would your life with any other words be as good? Probably, if the words were Will's.

Frank Conners
Created by Frank Conners
On Apr 13, 2016

How would you defeat your enemies?

Choose a Shakespeare quote:

Pick a Shakespeare Hollywood adaptation

Pick a funny shakespeare portrait:

Where would your play take place?

Choose a Shakespearean insult:

And finally, pick a genre for your life:

The Tempest

The Tempest

Your life is a bit of a rocky journey, brought with waves and gusting winds. But that also means it's interesting. Your life may be hard at times, but it is full of magic that other people's just can't add up to. Sometimes you might feel as though your stranded on some strange island, but there are interesting characters and beauty and adventure all around you, and in the end, however things work out. Love and acceptance are what steer your vessel.



Your life is dark but it is also intriguing. Your thirst for power and willingness to do anything to attain your goals makes you admirable and interesting, but it may also be your downfall. Though your morals were strong once, they are easily compromised through fear. In a nutshell, if you run into some witches, probably best just to keep on moving down the road and don't listen to all their toil and trouble.

Romeo & Juliet

Romeo & Juliet

Your life is filled with turmoil, but luckily there is also love. Love has the ability to cut through all the hardships and feuds that life brings. Even though the world may want you to fight, you have the ability to find the good things among the bad, even the best in those that are supposed to be your enemies. Just be careful that you keep your head while falling, because if you take your time and don't assume too much, you might be able to avoid tragedy.

Taming Of The Shrew

Taming Of The Shrew

People may not always understand you, and you may often feel that the people around you are simply trying to control you and make you into something you're not. Luckily, you are the kind of person that doesn't need to change to fit someone else's ideals, and if others pay attention they might learn a thing or two about themselves.

A Midsummer Night's Dream

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Your life is filled with magic and love, but you also fall prey to misunderstanding. You find the rules of life to be rigid, and are always thirsty for freedom. Luckily, in your life, love will win out in the end, and it is important to remember that all people are only doing their best at what they think is right. Hopefully you will come to a happy ending without the manipulation of tricky sprites and fairies, but they will be there if you need a little push.

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