Can We Guess Your Family Dynamic Based on Your Food Preferences?
Can We Guess Your Family Dynamic Based on Your Food Preferences?
Yum yum!
Yum yum!
Which is your favorite fruit?
Your mom is cooking for a party. You hope she makes her famous...
Which fast food drive-thru would you pick?
Which do you prefer?
What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?
What do you avoid eating?
You wake up. The first thing you consume is...
When you're eating a meal, what order do you eat in?
What's your go-to pizza topping?
Which snack is most annoying to you?
Kardashian-style close.
Kardashian-style close.
You got Kardashian-style close! Your family is incredibly close. You are fiercely loyal to each other and won't let anyone talk crap about your family. However, they can also drive you crazy and you fight constantly. Oh well, that's family <3
Barely speaking.
Barely speaking.
You got Barely speaking! Your family is going through a rough patch. There was either a major falling out or they haven't ever been there for you. You've looked to friends to make up your family and have come to love your modern family.
Very, very average.
Very, very average.
You got Very, very average! You've always found your family pretty boring. You get along fine and don't have too much drama. You're also not as close as you could be because you're too different from one another. It is what it is.
Annoyed but loving.
Annoyed but loving.
You got Annoyed but loving! You love your family to bits, but they can annoy you as well. Your family is comfortable with conflict and shares their feelings freely, but you are also very close and rely on each other.