How Long Would You Last In A Horror Film?
How Long Would You Last In A Horror Film?
Would you be the last one out alive or the first bimbo cut from the cast?
Would you be the last one out alive or the first bimbo cut from the cast?

Where do you live?
You're home alone and you hear a noise. You...
What would be the worst way to die?
Who would you call for help first?
Who would you be in the movie?
What would you say is your greatest strength?
What is your greatest weakness?
Someone you don't recognize knocks at your door. You...
You think someone is following you.
What song would play as you died on screen?
You're The FIRST TO DIE!?
You're The FIRST TO DIE!?
You're the first one cut! Unfortunately, you're not cut out to survive very long in a horror film. You don't spook as easy as you should and are too gullible to make it. You are probably pretty outgoing, love to please people, and have a lot of friends. But you should be more cautious of who you surround yourself with and keep your guard up.
You're The Third to Die!
You're The Third to Die!
You got not too well! You wouldn't be the first one to go but not long after. You're take risks when you shouldn't and trust people too easily. You need to be more careful about the situations you walk into and whose hands you trust your life in.
You're In The Final Three!
You're In The Final Three!
You got final three! Congratulations, you would do pretty well. You've got a good sense of who is safe to be around and who is a creep. You keep your guard up most of the time and stay out of trouble. But you've still got risk taking tendencies when you should be more cautious.
You got till the very end! Yay! You made it all the way. You're cunning, cautious, and have a good head on your shoulders. You don't take crap from anyone and you lock all your doors at night. You're friends are people you trust explicitly and you don't waste time at skeezy parties.