What Does Your Time of the Month Say About You?
What Does Your Time of the Month Say About You?
Ladies, let's get real with some real results. Period.
Ladies, let's get real with some real results. Period.

What part of the month is your period?
What is your first symptom?
What is something you'd say on your period?
What do you crave the most?
Have you ever thrown a public tantrum?
If you could have a massage from male celebrity when you're PMSing, who would it be?
What makes you cry during your time of the month?
What's your go-to Netflix binge in bed?
Who do you avoid when it's your time?
What is your favorite thing about your time of the month? (I know--hard to imagine)
You Need Patience
You Need Patience
You got You Need Patience! Your fuse is rather short, especially during your time of the month. You tend to blow up first and think later. Some would call you hot tempered. This makes you a very passionate person, but sometimes not an easy person to deal with.
You Need Love
You Need Love
You got You Need Love! You're rather lonely as of now. You're in a bit of a lull, romantically, and you could use some sunggles. You can be pretty shy and don't go out of your comfort zone very often, so maybe it's time to take a risk.
You Need Friendship
You Need Friendship
You got You Need Friendship! You've got a significant other, you've got your family, but you'd like some more friends to fill your social needs. You need to branch out and meet new people, because you tend to get into a rut.
You Need to Laugh
You Need to Laugh
You got You Need to Laugh! You are simply taking life too seriously. You get so pent up and stressed that you're not enjoying your time at all. You need to let go of your anxiety as much as possible and forgive yourself for failing every once and a while.
You Need Food - Constantly
You Need Food - Constantly
You got You Need Food! You're too worried about how you look. Let yourself indulge every once and a while, please! You were made beautifully just the way you are. You should put less time in to your appearance altogether and embrace your natural self.