Where Should You Live In Canada?
Where Should You Live In Canada?
If America just isn't for you right now...
If America just isn't for you right now...
What do you like most about where you live now?
Which mode of transportation would you choose?
When was the last time you moved to a new place?
What is your favorite thing you own?
Who are the most important people in your life?
What is your least favorite thing about moving?
Which word best describes your nightlife?
Which photo most resembles how much money you make?
How do you feel about very cold temperatures?
Which shirt would you wear?
You got Vancouver! You're a city person and you enjoy your nightlife. You get bored easy and want to have a lot to do! You enjoy the weather of the Midwest, with its mix of seasons. This city is expensive, but you make a good living, so you'll be able to enjoy all it has to offer.
You got Montreal! Canada's second largest city, you'll thrive in this metropolis. You love to shop and enjoy nice things. You almost always have a positive attitude and describe yourself as "happy". You'll fit right in here in Montreal, which was voted one of the Happiest Places in the World.
You got Toronto! This city is Canada's largest city, so you'll have plenty of new people to meet! You prefer multi-cultural cities and having a variety of people to learn from. You won't have any trouble finding work here, as it has a booming economy.
You got Winnipeg! You're a homebody and prefer a quieter atmosphere. You don't need a bustling city to be happy. You love family and put all your attention on them and don't have big career ambitions. You like hanging out at home and enjoying simple things.
Quebec City
Quebec City
You got Quebec City! You've always wanted to live in France but don't want to commit to moving that far away. This city is perfect for you, as French is the spoken language and it has many historical and beautiful buildings.
You got Banff! You want to get off the grid. You don't like city life and large crowds. You are happiest in the mountains and the streams of this Canadian haven. You're looking to shack up with your lover or family and enjoy nature in its pure glory.