Which Angie Tribeca Character Are You?
Which Angie Tribeca Character Are You?
Who's asking...? *looks over shoulder*
Who's asking...? *looks over shoulder*

Which dog would be your sidekick?
What would be your specialty in police work?
Where would you most likely be found at a family event?
How often do you work out?
What would you want for Christmas?
How scared would you be to run after a bad guy?
Which Matt Damon movie most inspires you?
If someone offered to carry your groceries for you, you would...
Who should be the most important person in your life?
What would you classify yourself as?
Angie Tribeca
Angie Tribeca
You got Angie Tribeca! You're a go-getter. You don't wait around for things to happen for you, you make them happen. You believe in your dreams and are very independent. You've got a tough exterior but a warm, loving inside.
Jay Geils
Jay Geils
You got Jay Geils! You're a lover. You love love and everyone you meet. You're easy to crack and sometimes put your heart on the line too soon. You're a great partner but not a born leader. You need some direction to get where you're going.
Chet Atkins
Chet Atkins
You got Chet Atkins! You've got a loud, pushy personality but people love you for it. You've got opinions and you like to share them. You are also incredibly tough on the people you love the most, because you want the best from them.
Monica Scholls
Monica Scholls
You got Monica Scholls! You're a smarty pants. You've got a very technical way of looking at things and this sometimes gets in the way of your relationships. Your brilliance is what keeps people intimidated by you, so you end up spending a lot of time alone.
DJ Tanner
DJ Tanner
You got DJ Tanner! You're about as laid back as they come. You are fine with being given direction and like taking the back seat. You don't need a lot of attention or praise and prefer to spend your days doing things you love rather than being cut throat to get to a higher position.