Which Pitch Perfect-er Are You?
Which Pitch Perfect-er Are You?
To what extent are you willing to go for your acapella singing group? Are you more casual yet fierce like Beca or overpowering and controlling like Aubrey?
To what extent are you willing to go for your acapella singing group? Are you more casual yet fierce like Beca or overpowering and controlling like Aubrey?

How many times have you seen the original Pitch Perfect?
If you had to choose your PP sidekick, who would it be?
You were voted Most Likely To...
Choose your go-to karaoke song...
Pick a style most closest to yours...
How competitive are you?
How often do you practice your "craft"?
Are you willing to get your hands dirty?
Which group would you choose to join?
Fat Amy
Fat Amy
You got Fat Amy! You're the funny, lovable one of your friends. You're insanely loyal but you also don't take anything too seriously. You don't see the point in getting worked up about stuff. You will defend yourself and throw that burrito right back, if the time comes.
You got Chloe! You're the supportive best friend and always have been. You're pretty straight laced and don't really like to break the rules. You're friends would say you're the Mom of the group and you tend to keep things organized. But you have a huge heart and are always there when others need you.
You got Beca! You've always been a little too cool for fads and tend to not get overexcited about much. You like your alone time and you only really need a few close friends. You can be sensitive and give people the cold shoulder when they don't get you. But at the end of the day, you'd take a bullet for anyone in your acapella group.
You got Aubrey! Okay so you're a little intense! You know your goals, what it will take to reach them and you're not afraid to get your hands a little dirty to get there. You sometimes rub people the wrong way with your confidence but your heart is in the right place. You can't help that you're ambitious!
You got Bumper! You're a well meaning doofus most of the time. You say whatever is on your mind and you can be a little unpredictable. Your friends love you for your sense of adventure and silliness. You also have big dreams and might just have to make sacrifices to get there.
You got Jesse! You've always been a charmer. You've got this whole woo-ing thing on lock. Your dreamy eyes and sense of humor can get you pretty much anything you want. You're incredibly close to your family and friends and will do whatever it takes to protect them. You love a lot of things and are good at most of them.
You got Gail! Okay friend, it might be time to look inwards and make a change or two. You've become a little too dependent on "the old days." It's time to let go of the golden years and look towards the future. You're a little too intense and people are starting to talk about it. But you're also incredibly sweet and lovable too.