Which Agent Carter Character Are You?
Which Agent Carter Character Are You?
While Captain America is one of this year's favorite superheroes, Agent Peggy Carter is the small screen's favorite spy. Find out which Agent Carter character you are!
While Captain America is one of this year's favorite superheroes, Agent Peggy Carter is the small screen's favorite spy. Find out which Agent Carter character you are!
Which ancient civilization sounds the most interesting?
What is your zodiac sign?
What is your opinion on morals?
Best trait?
Biggest fear?
What motivates you?
Are you good at your job?
Biggest flaw?
Which song lyric do you relate to the most?
Choose a Hunger Games character.
Peggy Carter
Peggy Carter
You're Peggy Carter! You are extremely capable and clever, and don't hesitate to stand up for yourself or anybody else who is being treated wrongly. You are amazingly ambitious and do whatever it takes to do what is right. You are unafraid of your enemies, as you are usually the one to be afraid of. You are very formidable. Your wit and sarcasm is never lacking, and, while they may not deserve it, you still hold some respect for those who don't treat you all that well. Your courage, loyalty, and bluntness are some of your greatest traits, if slightly overlooked. You are kind and care very deeply for the ones you love, and the people you don't know very well. Underneath your bold personality, though, you're hiding some serious vulnerabilities.
Daniel Sousa
Daniel Sousa
You're Daniel Sousa! You are very smart and kind, but sometimes you can be a bit harsh, especially to the ones who love you. You tend to be slightly biased, and have something of a god complex. All you want is to achieve happiness, but sometimes that doesn't seem possible. You can be very sarcastic, and, while you may have something holding you back from reaching your full potential, competent. You can be extremely rude when being lied to, or at least, when having the truth withheld from you. You've gone through a lot in your life, some that has damaged you permanently. You can be very passionate, and often try to figure out the basics of a situation.
Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson
You're Jack Thompson! With your bold and complex personality, you can sometimes come off as a huge jerk - but you're not! All you really want to do is protect innocents, but your abundance of ambition can sometimes keep you from seeing what's right. Your loyalties are sometimes unclear, but you always end up on the right side of things. You've made some serious mistakes, and have huge vulnerabilities, but you still try to do what you think is right. You may have respect from those around you that you didn't rightfully earn, but you do try continuously to deserve it. You are very clever and strategic, traits that have helped you often. You're unafraid of a fight, and are extremely capable in most - in others, you tend to freeze, but that's okay. While you can be sarcastic and blunt, you can be very nice when you start showing your true self.
Edwin Jarvis
Edwin Jarvis
You're Edwin Jarvis! You are extremely loyal and kind, especially to those who have helped you and those you love. You tend to overestimate your abilities, but only because you really want to be as bold and courageous as those around you. You care and love very deeply for your family and friends, and when someone hurts them, you get very angry, and will do anything to get revenge. You are very organized and smart, but can be timid and hasty at times. While it seems as you are an all around a nice person, you can be very harsh when upset or devastated. Others often overlook your abilities, but you make sure to show that you are more than just what they see you as.
Jason Wilkes
Jason Wilkes
You're Jason Wilkes! You are very kind and not ashamed of letting others know how talented you are - if anything, you deserve to tell them! You've gone through a lot in your life, but you've overcome the things that once held you back. You are very brilliant, and love very easily. You care deeply, and are brave in terrifying situations. You are resilient, a trait that others may not recognize, but there are times where you fall to the influence of others - it's okay, though, because you quickly regain your senses. You can be charming, and you are a bit of a romantic. Your ambition and pride in yourself shine through often, but you know better than to be too prideful or too ambitious.
Whitney Frost
Whitney Frost
You're Whitney Frost! You are very brilliant and desire power deeply. Lying comes naturally to you (one might even call it acting), and you find it easy to convince others to help you. You can be very frightening and power-hungry. You've probably been told before that you'll never be good enough, but you've made sure to show that you are better than what they all expect. You get influenced quickly by things that help give you more power and authority, which can end up hurting you in the end. You will do anything to win and to advance yourself in the game of life. You quickly cut people out of your life if they wrong you, and have no problem with doing so - they were just going to be a burden to you anyway.
Dottie Underwood
Dottie Underwood
You're Dottie Underwood! You're exceedingly cunning, and, unlike others, you enjoy being evil. You are extremely resilient, and have gone through a lot of undesirable stuff in your life. You are very ambitious, and do anything to win. You are unafraid of a fight, and, in fact, fearless in general. You're clever and could care less about doing what's right - doing what's wrong is much more fun, anyway. Your thoughts are slightly twisted, meaning it isn't uncommon for you to interpret certain things incorrectly. You thrive under pressure, and enjoy making others confused. It is natural for you to be fast - physically fast, mentally fast, and emotionally fast. Your loyalties lie with no one but yourself, and, surprisingly, you can be very jealous of others.
Howard Stark
Howard Stark
You're Howard Stark! You are very charming and brilliant, traits that have gotten you through your entire life. You can be cocky and prideful, but you are loyal to those you care about, and deep down, you are very kind. You are always willing to help a friend; in fact, this is what motivates you the most. While it is not very evident to those who you are not close with, you care deeply about others and just want to do something good - you think you haven't really done anything great in your life, and beat yourself up over things you can't control. You're personality is very bold and surprisingly complex. You can be very vulnerable and get distracted easily by those who catch your eye, which is basically everyone. Your memory isn't the best, but, at least, you remember the important stuff.