Your Natural Element
Your Natural Element
Have you ever wondered what element would suit your personality best? Find out if either wind, fire, water, earth, energy/electricity, ice, or light is your superpower.
Have you ever wondered what element would suit your personality best? Find out if either wind, fire, water, earth, energy/electricity, ice, or light is your superpower.

Which place seems most ideal to practice magic?
What do your friends describe you as?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
What order were you born in relation to your siblings? (studies show birth order may influence personality)
Which pet would you have as your sidekick?
After watching the possibilities for Trait #1 and viewing the introduction, how open do you think you are?
After watching the possibilities for Trait #2, how conscientious do you think you are?
After watching the possibilities for Trait #3, how extroverted to you think you are?
After watching the possibilities for Trait #4, how agreeable do you think you are? Please be honest!
After watching the possibilities for Trait #5 and viewing the conclusion, how neurotic do you think you are?
What do you personally think you are? This will not necessarily be what you get, but it will give some input into your outcome.
Congratulations! The wind element best suits your personality.
This means that among friends you are a floater, and tend to be the peacemaker among them. You are friendly, though perhaps a little shy. However, occasionally you are bubbly and energetic, and your peers always invite you places because you are so fun to be around. Though you may not be the most popular, you are one of the nice girls/boys, which makes everyone want to be your friend.
Your superpower is being able to control the weather. You can make it snow, rain, or even cause a tornado. This also allows you to control the seasons and when they change, although you favor summertime.
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Congratulations! The fire element best suits your personality.
You are a favorite among your friends. You always stand out in a crowd because of your fun demeanor. You have a certain loud, fun energy to you that draws people towards you. Everyone finds you popular because you are outgoing and like to include everyone in activities, demonstrating your generosity. However, sometimes you can be a bit feisty or stubborn. You believe that you are always right, when most of the time you are, but sometimes you need to loosen up a little.
Your superpower is being able to wield fire into any shape imaginable. For example, you could create a dragon and send it off wherever you want to either watch over your enemies, or attack them. This power is unusual, and if fallen into the wrong hands, cause catastrophe. Great power comes with great responsibility. Use it wisely.
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Congratulations! The water element best suits your personality.
You're personality varies. There is no exact definition of who you are, but most people who have gotten this element tend to be...
-Curious about everything they see
-Creative, approach everything in new and inventive ways
-Grow up to be teachers/scientists
-Are very intelligent
-Go with the flow, are adaptable to any situation
-Tend to misjudge people occasionally
Your superpower is both controlling the creatures of the ocean and being able to forge the water into gigantic waves or weapons of your choosing. This spontaneous approach to battles with enemies creates a surprise factor, and is weirdly very effective. Additionally, you can shoot water out of your body at any time. Having the water element is very special since you have 3 superpowers, instead of the usual 1 or 2. This suggest that you are a special person with no boundaries in life. The skies the limit for you water-wielders!
This is the only element with an indefinite answer, so if you are unsatisfied, please play this again to get a better one if you would like.
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Congratulations! The earth element best suits your personality.
You are a naturally down-to-earth person. You take the logical approach to every situation, making you a great and creative thinker. With this comes great intelligence, so evidence shows you may grow up to be a scholar or professor. Your intelligence separates you slightly from your friends, but they still appreciate you nonetheless. Also, your practically may cloud your emotions a little, but the more creative people with the Earth element actually have good balance between them, it varies.
Your superpower is being able to summon tree roots up from the ground to suffocate or pin down any of your enemies. This is also useful if you are searching for something, for the roots always find their target. The superpower allows you a great advantage, since it results in more freedom with actions, and is very accurate. People rarely find themselves with this gift malfunctioning, plus the roots are loyal and cannot turn on you.
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Congratulations! The energy/electricity element best suits your personality.
As the name suggests, you are very energetic and fun to be around. In fact, you have so much positive energy that you are a strong magnet for reliable friends with good personalities. You are extremely outgoing, and practically know anyone. You find yourself frequently invited to parties and events since you are so well-liked by the community. While nobody's perfect, people view you to have a flawless personality, and you are looked up to as an amazing role model by everyone who knows you.
Your superpower is being able to use the electricity around you and form it into various uses. For example, you could create a crackling staff that shoots out bolts of energy to electrocute your enemy. Or, many choose to use the sun's power to change the temperatures of the air to their liking. Is it winter? Warm up the house by using this special power! Like the earth element, this superpower allows a lot of freedom in how you use it, so choose wisely.
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Congratulations! The ice element best suits your personality.
Possibility 1: People mistake you as a generally cold-hearted person who just wants to fit in. But, you are misunderstood. You are actually very loving and caring, but people don't view that way. You can be bubbly and energetic, but no one seems to care, and generally ignore you. Try expressing yourself more to let them know who you truly are.
Possibility 2: On the outside, you are hard as stone. You don't let anyone see your true emotions, and have been living under a mask. However, once you become friends with someone and trust them enough(you have high standards), the wall comes crashing down and you let them know all your secrets, thoughts, and feelings. You approach life and its challenges very cautiously, and live by the quote, "better safe than sorry". Although, when you develop that trust factor, life will turn out to be a very interesting journey indeed.
Your superpower is similar to Elsa's in the movie Frozen, you can build structures(or castles) out of ice, and can cause spikes/icicles to rise up from the ground. This power is extremely helpful architectural and protection-wise, but can be used for good or bad. Choose wisely, for this power comes with a lot of responsibility, but also room for creativity. Let your imagination run wild!
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Congratulations! The light element best suits your personality.
You are very bubbly and fun, always living by the motto of laughing as often and as long as possible. You tend to be very social around your peers, including people of the opposite gender. This tends to generate many people with crushes on you. While you enjoy all of the attention cast upon you, you do not wish to seek it regularly. This is the result of your modesty, both in this situation and when you receive awards. You can be a bit of an overachiever sometimes, but you still have a great personality that attracts everyone you meet.
Your superpower is not a specific one. In general, you have control of all light magic, including series of spells and charms needed to be used for the purposes of good and not evil. For example, you have the power to cast a spell on anyone who has done wrongdoing and force them to undo that mistake. Also, you have the rare gift of being able to stop time, or to reverse it and change the past to fix your, or others', mistakes.
Again, congratulations. The light element answer is not easy to get, and is only supported by very specific answers to the previous questions. Additionally, please do not tell your friends who wish to play this the order. They should get to figure it out on their own, please don't ruin it for them. Thanks! I appreciate it :)
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