Do You Remember These Classic Sci-Fi Movies?
Do You Remember These Classic Sci-Fi Movies?
Think you know Sci-Fi Movies? Find out here!
Think you know Sci-Fi Movies? Find out here!

A Trip To The Moon is widely considered the first ever Sci-Fi film. What year did it come out?
Which monster bears the name of the doctor who created him through technology and science?
This classic based on an H.G. Wells' novel was recently remade starring Guy Pierce:
This order of Warrior Monks are the central theme in the Star Wars films.
This relatively new Sci-Fi classic is best categorized as "The Shining" in space.
What does Bowman become at the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey?
What movie features the possibility that any one could be an android and not even know it?
In the movie, "The Thing," what is the villain of the movie?
In the movie, The Day The Earth Stood Still, what is Klaatu's purpose?
This Sci-Fi classic was based on a novel that was read aloud the radio, where many thought it was real!
This dystopian Sci-Fi classic featured a society without books and people drugged into submission:
In the Sci-Fi classic, "Them!" Who is destroying the city?
The movie, "Metropolis," is about...
What classic Sci-Fi movie was the first feature film adaptation of "The Island of Dr. Moreau?
This Sci-Fi classic was banned in Britain for decades and contains the famous scene, "Singing in the Rape".
In what Sci-Fi classic from the 70s does the population get euthanized at age 30?
This 50s Sci-Fi classic tells the tale of a stranded aliens repairing their ship, and a town trying to kill them.