What Is Your Travel Personality?
What Is Your Travel Personality?
While traveling you get to experience a side of yourself you might not like as you're put in situations you've never been in before. Find out your travel personality and what extreme you go to while traveling the world.
http://www.frontier.ac.uk/ or get involved with our volunteer community here: http://blog.frontiergap.com/blog/
While traveling you get to experience a side of yourself you might not like as you're put in situations you've never been in before. Find out your travel personality and what extreme you go to while traveling the world.
http://www.frontier.ac.uk/ or get involved with our volunteer community here: http://blog.frontiergap.com/blog/

What can you not live without?
What's your favorite quote?
What's your dream location?
Do you like roller coasters?
The Techie
The Techie
You're a techie! You love filming your whole trip with your GoPro proudly strapped to your head. The biggest excitement is when you find fellow techies who you can share tips and tricks with. You're all about that wifi zone.
Are you ready to take on your next big adventure? Check out our thrilling volunteer and travel opportunities here : http://bit.ly/volunteerandtravelabroad
The Planner
The Planner
You're a planner! You cannot go on a holiday or traveling expedition without planning every second. You need to know what you're going to be doing at all times just in case something goes wrong (which it probably will anyway) you're worst companion is the chiller.
Are you ready to take on your next big adventure? Check out our thrilling volunteer and travel opportunities here : http://bit.ly/volunteerandtravelabroad
The Chiller
The Chiller
You are a chiller! You like to go with the flow and just take everything by ear. You don't live for a plan and you sometimes just want to stay in one area the whole day and relax. You are happy when you find a beautiful field or beach you can lay on all day.
Are you ready to take on your next big adventure? Check out our thrilling volunteer and travel opportunities here : http://bit.ly/volunteerandtravelabroad
The Partier
The Partier
You're a partier! The day time doesn't mean that much to you, you'll pretty much do anything. But when it comes to the night time you cannot wait to strap on your partying shoes and get to those nightclubs. All you want to do is dance the night away in a exotic locale.
Are you ready to take on your next big adventure? Check out our thrilling volunteer and travel opportunities here : http://bit.ly/volunteerandtravelabroad
The Budgeter
The Budgeter
You're a budgeter! You are scared of running out of money so you budget everything to the T. You leave with an exact plan on how to spend your money and where to go. You and the planner get along very well and scoff at the chiller who just bought an I heart NY t shirt.
Are you ready to take on your next big adventure? Check out our thrilling volunteer and travel opportunities here : http://bit.ly/volunteerandtravelabroad
The Know it All
The Know it All
You are a know it all! You love anywhere with historic prevalence because you probably know a lot about it.. Oh wait you know everything. You want to impress people with your knowledge but you pretty much end up just annoying everyone with too many facts. But don't worry it's good to be smart.
Are you ready to take on your next big adventure? Check out our thrilling volunteer and travel opportunities here : http://bit.ly/volunteerandtravelabroad