Could You Get Away With Murder?
Could You Get Away With Murder?
After the recent Netflix sensation Making A Murderer, many of us think we know a thing or two about covering up a crime scene. Take this quiz to find out if you could get away with murder!
After the recent Netflix sensation Making A Murderer, many of us think we know a thing or two about covering up a crime scene. Take this quiz to find out if you could get away with murder!

Which of these can be used to confirm that someone was present at a crime scene?
Which of these is the highest hand in poker?
What's the longest amount of time you've kept a secret for?
Choose your weapon...
What's your favourite genre of film?
Imagine you have an identical twin, if your fingerprints were found at the scene of a crime could you pin the blame on your twin?
How long can you hold a grudge?
If you left a rootless hair behind at the scene of the crime, could you be identified?
How do you feel when you see others crying?
Which of these can be used to show the presence of blood, even if it has been cleaned up, at the scene of a crime?
Don't even think about it, you''d never get away with murder
Don't even think about it, you''d never get away with murder
Just so you know, you shouldn't even try to get away with murder. You'll get caught within the first 2 hours and spend most of your life in prison. You might enjoy watching the odd murder mystery programme but you either refuse to retain the forensic information, or you’re just more into forcing false confessions than getting correct evidence. If anyone ever truly upsets you, perhaps just write an angry letter or something, it’ll end better for all parties involved. Just look on the bright side, everybody loves a non-murderer!
You'd be found out eventually...
You'd be found out eventually...
Your in-depth knowledge of forensics and high tolerance for stressful situations means you’d be a difficult suspect to track down at first, but the truth would always catch up with you eventually. Why not try turning your unusual talents on their head and become a fighter of crime?
You could get away with murder, but you still shouldn't....
You could get away with murder, but you still shouldn't....
Well, your friends can only hope you grew up watching back-to-back re-runs of CSI, because you know everything when it comes to getting away with murder. Renowned for your cold-as-ice poker face, your friends might often find you can be impossible to read. You’re a master-manipulator and never lose your cool - you'd even volunteer to help the police out so they'd never suspect you.