Only 10% Of Potter Fans Can Pass This Quiz!
Only 10% Of Potter Fans Can Pass This Quiz!
You might think you're a potter fan, but how do you compare to the rest of the fandom?
You might think you're a potter fan, but how do you compare to the rest of the fandom?

What is Harry Potter's address?
According to the book, what kind of snake does Harry speak to in the zoo in The Philosopher's Stone?
What kind of cat does Minerva McGonagall transfigure into?
What is Dumbledore's full name?
What form did Snape's Patronus take?
What do Hermione's muggle parents do for a living?
How many children do the Weasley's have?
What word must be spoken in Parseltongue to open the Chamber of Secrets?
How many new wizards joined the teaching staff in the Prisoner of Azkaban?
Complete the group: Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and...
What is taught in Divination?
In total, how many Horcruxes did Voldemort have?
What relation was Bellatrix Lestrange to Sirius Black?
What does Hagrid name his pet dragon?
What creature can Rita Skeeter turn into?
How old was Dumbledore when he died?
In the Triwizard Tournament, which dragon did Cedric battle?
What was Lily's name before she married James Potter?
During the battle at Hogwarts in the final book, which twin dies?
How old was Voldemort when he died?
You're in the 90%
You're in the 90%
Like most Potter fans, you're in the 90%. Time to whip out the books, stick on the films and cancel all your plans because you could use some revision before you join the super-fans.
You scored in the top 10% of Potter fans!
You scored in the top 10% of Potter fans!
Look at you go! You scored in the top 10% proving you're the ultimate Potter super-fan! You can spot a Hufflepuff from a Ravenclaw 100ft away, so congratulations on being the ultimate Harry Potter fan.