Only 15% Of People Can Pass This Basic Geography Test
Only 15% Of People Can Pass This Basic Geography Test
Twenty questions to see if you can prove yourself.
Twenty questions to see if you can prove yourself.

The United Kingdom encompasses England, Wales, Scotland and...
In which country would you find Svalbard?
What type of cloud is this?
Africa is a...
What is the capital of Australia?
Which of these countries is landlocked?
What is the capital of Poland?
How many states are there in the USA?
Which country is sandwiched between Estonia and Lithuania?
To the nearest 5 miles, at the narrowest point how close is Alaska to Russia?
Which of these countries is not landlocked?
Which of these countries has the highest population density per square mile?
What is the approximate length of the earth's equator?
The Challenger Deep is the deepest part of the ocean, in which sea would you find it?
In which country is sandwiched between South Africa and Namibia?
Which country in the world is largest by surface area?
How many countries share the Amazon Rainforest?
What is the most commonly spoken language in the world?
Which is the deepest lake in the world?
In the UK, which is further West?
You Didn't Pass...
You Didn't Pass...
Your score came in the bottom 85%... But not to worry, that's the average for most adults. Maybe have a look at a National Geographic once in a while to top up your Geography knowledge.
You Passed!
You Passed!
Well someone was certainly paying attention in school, you scored in the top 15%! The mysteries of the orient are certainly no mystery to you.