Are You A Sherlock Superfan?
Are You A Sherlock Superfan?
Do you think you can answer these difficult questions on Sherlock? Challenge yourself!
Do you think you can answer these difficult questions on Sherlock? Challenge yourself!

Steven Moffat is the writer behind the Sherlock TV show, but who did his son play when he featured in the episode "His last vow"?
At the start of season 2, the altercation between Sherlock, Watson and Moriarty plays out next to the pool. What song does Moriarty have as his ringtone in this scene?
In the episode "The Hound of the Baskervilles", what does Sherlock offer Watson in exchange for cigarettes?
In "The Hound of the Baskervilles" what did H.O.U.N.D stand for?
What is John's theory as to why there is conflict between Mycroft and Holmes?
In "A Scandal In Belgravia" what is the password on Irene's phone?
At the start of "The Blind Banker" what does Watson get into trouble with?
In "The Great Game" what is in the envelope addressed to Sherlock?
What piece of basic information does Sherlock not know?
In "The Blind Banker" what token is found with each of the victims?