Are You An Obsessive Compulsive Cleaner?
Are You An Obsessive Compulsive Cleaner?
Do you despise dirt or are you happy to chill amongst the chaos? Find out if you're an obsessive compulsive cleaner!
Do you despise dirt or are you happy to chill amongst the chaos? Find out if you're an obsessive compulsive cleaner!

This image is
My clothes always smell
My bedroom
I clean my house/apartment/room
This picture is
What do you notice first about this picture?
Living in a house full of baby owls would be
The dreaded sugar spoon, which statement represents you?
This is
Obsessive Compulsive Cleaner
Obsessive Compulsive Cleaner
There's no dirt to be found on you, you've already blitzed all the germs in your house with extra strength bleach 5 times today. When your friends come to dinner you spend more time cleansing the work surfaces than you do on their desserts! Try relaxing next to an unwashed glass once in a while to ease yourself into a life of healthier cleaning habits.
Woah! Where have you gone? I can't see you for all the 40 year old newspapers and broken wardrobes. It's time to clean up your act and clear out the trash. If you've not used that broken cross-trainer for 20 years, you're probably never going to! Chuck it in the trash and get reacquainted with the floor you last saw 30 years ago.
Casual Cleaner
Casual Cleaner
Keep up the good work! Sock drawer Owl is proud of you and your healthy work/life balance. You'd never be caught having a breakdown over spilt bin juice, but at the same time you have the decency to wipe that crap up. Kudos!