What Kind Of Road Rage Do You Get?
What Kind Of Road Rage Do You Get?
Driving can take you on a rollercoaster of emotion. Take this quiz to find out what kind of road rage YOU get!
Driving can take you on a rollercoaster of emotion. Take this quiz to find out what kind of road rage YOU get!

You're driving along a busy road and someone is cycling so slowly they're almost going backwards, what do you do?
Which car do you think suits your driving style?
How often would you say you swear when you drive?
When you're driving which of these bothers you the most?
Which character from the Whacky Races do you associate with most?
What would a passenger in your car be most likely to say about your driving?
What does this signify to you?
Which trait do you think is most dangerous on the roads?
Do you prefer to drive or to be driven?
Overall, how do you feel about driving?
Cool as a cucumber
Cool as a cucumber
Road rage? What road rage? You cruise along these streets cool as a cucumber, nothing gets your knickers in a twist. Man cuts you up when you're driving at speed? No problem. Lady stalls going over a roundabout? It's all good. Old age pensioner in a mobility scooter holding up 2000 cars on the dual carriageway? What's the beef?! We salute your saint-like patience, hopefully one day the rest of the world will learn to take a chill pill.
Muttering under your breath
Muttering under your breath
"RachariggabudadiggerwhyIoughta..." *subtle fist shake*
Did someone say Muttley? You might be able to refrain from shouting and swearing but there is no one who can rival your venomous muttering. That dreadful driver might never know the true extent of your wrath but you came out on top in the end because you called them a plonker from the safety of your seat. You've struck the perfect balance between taking out your rage without causing a scene - we salute you for your self-control.
Intense sarcasm
Intense sarcasm
"Oh yep, great, brilliant. Just pull out right in front of me that's perfect! Bloody marvellous!"
You know your mouth is smiling but we can all see the fury that's burning in your retinas. You want to unleash your full wrath upon those that cut you up and fail indicate, but you're trying to hold back on going full hulk. Probably for the best, no amount of screaming ever undid poor driving, just try not to blow a fuse...
Fully blown rage
Fully blown rage
People better hope you're wearing stretchy clothing when you get in a car because you're someone who goes fully blown Hulk when things get tense on the road. Screaming, swearing and vigorous hand gestures are common place for you, if someone gets in your way on the road they sure as hell know about it. Whilst it might be a good stress release for you, it's probably not the best way to go about driving (what if the next car you flip the bird to has your boss in the driver seat?). For the greater good maybe try learning some nice breathing exercises and play some soothing classical music in your car at all times.