Which Bond Character Would You Be?
Which Bond Character Would You Be?
Last week the latest Bond adventure "Spectre" was released in UK cinemas and it proved to be as outrageous and action packed as ever. With Bond being one of the most loved tales in UK cinema we all have a favourite character, but which one would you be? Do you have a licence to kill? Or a penchant for skimpy lingerie? Find out here!
Last week the latest Bond adventure "Spectre" was released in UK cinemas and it proved to be as outrageous and action packed as ever. With Bond being one of the most loved tales in UK cinema we all have a favourite character, but which one would you be? Do you have a licence to kill? Or a penchant for skimpy lingerie? Find out here!

My ideal first date would be...
My best Christmas present ever would be...
On my lunch break you'll find me...
My preferred drink would be...
I prefer...
My favourite music is...
My friends would describe me as having...
My ideal holiday would be...
I think violence is...
I think the best way to resolve a stressful situation is to...
The name's Bond...
The name's Bond...
You're a gun wielding rogue with no respect for the rules who loves martinis, women and martinis. You have a tendency to act before thinking, whether it's knocking out the helicopter pilot in midair or throwing a man off the edge of a building before he's actually told you anything. You often irritate your superiors but you don't care because at the end of the day you can parachute surf a tsunami using a broken kayak.
Lord of the gadgets, you're not interested in the fuss and general physical exercise involved in fieldwork. So long as you've got your laptop and a cup of Earl Grey you have all the tools you need. With your perfectly coiffed hair and sassy attitude you bring more than just brains to the operation. "Well, I'll hazard I can do more damage on my laptop sitting in my pyjamas before my first cup of Earl Grey than you can do in a year in the field."
M doesn't stand for Mansfield, it stands for the Mother of all sass. You're a straight talking diva who takes no prisoners. You always know best and the stupidity of your colleagues never ceases to amaze you. Despite your prickly demeanour deep down there's a heart of gold who just wants to enjoy the simpler things in life, like a porcelain union jack bulldog.
Here come the (Bond) girls!
Here come the (Bond) girls!
Guys want to be with you, girls want to be you, but you do have a habit of winding up in rather sticky situations. Those killer pins might look sweet in a bikini but you've not always got an eye for trouble. To get ahead in life, avoid spending time with people who continuously bleed from their eyes and don't board any yachts with strangers.
The Evil Overlord
The Evil Overlord
You're an evil mastermind, because while everybody else is out having fun you're sat in the dark at your elitist criminal meetings plotting mayhem. You're singleminded in your approach to commit global devastation, although you're often so proud of your plans that you lose valuable time in explaining them to your arch-nemesis just before you see him off. Naturally, this has terrible repercussions when he eventually escapes but still, better luck next time!