Which Female Character From "The Walking Dead" Are You?
Which Female Character From "The Walking Dead" Are You?
Are you Maggie, Carol, Sasha, Rosita, Tara, Denise, Michonne, or Deanna?
Are you Maggie, Carol, Sasha, Rosita, Tara, Denise, Michonne, or Deanna?

You find out that a massive herd of walkers is coming towards Alexandria. What is the first thing you do?
Pick your weapon:
You are scavenging for supplies when a group of violent sounding survivors shows up. They don't see you. How do you get out of this situation?
Your best friend has been bit. What do you do?
A member of the group has angered you. How do you respond?
Someone in your group has a mysterious cough. You:
How do you deal with tragedy?
How hard is it for you to trust new people?
Which three words describe you best?
What is your biggest fear?
Who would be your best friend?
Would you go for the Orange Crush?
Lastly, what's your biggest downfall?
Maggie Greene
Maggie Greene
You’re Maggie Greene! You’re intelligent, caring, and brave. You’re dedicated to your loved ones, and constantly seeks the best interests for the group when placed in a troubling situation. Having experienced horrific traumas throughout the apocalypse, you have become a hardened individual who has managed to stay strong with the aid of your family and friends. Even in spite of the darkness that surrounds you, you are optimistic and believe in making a life in the new world.
Rosita Espinosa
Rosita Espinosa
You’re Rosita Espinosa! You’re tough, feisty, and brave with immense skill with firearms and knives. When faced with a crisis, you remain level-headed and calm about the situation, and aren’t afraid to kill when put in a threatening position. Past your seriousness and sharp attitude lies a compassionate individual who cares deeply for the members of your group.
Denise Cloyd
Denise Cloyd
You’re Denise Cloyd! You're caring, smart, friendly, and love the people around you though you may not always say it. You understand people and want to help to the best of your abilities. While you have fears about the new world and struggle with anxiety, you have worked to overcome these downfalls by standing up to your challenges. In these troubling times, you've gained more strength, bravery, confidence, and resilience. Just remember to tell your loved ones you love them before it's too late.
Carol Peletier
Carol Peletier
You’re Carol Peletier! You’ve overcome extremely tough times and become a tough-as-nails survivalist, as you were originally soft-spoken, meek, and defenseless. You’re fiercely loyal to your family and loved ones, and find your inner strength growing exponentially as you gain more independence. When the road gets tough, you stay strong and do whatever needs to be done for the greater good of the group. In times of crisis, you’re resourceful and quick-thinking. You’re highly intelligent, cunning, manipulative, brave, and resourceful, as well as a clever liar. While you have managed to maintain your sanity and sympathy, you follow the logical route at any cost. If necessary, you will appear extremely cold and cruel in order to keep the group safe.
Sasha Williams
Sasha Williams
You’re Sasha Williams! You’re practical, logical, pragmatic, and strong, but emotionally scarred. You may appear tough on the outside, but inside you’re compassionate towards your friends. Emotionally trying hardships have left you appearing detached and extremely hardened, but in the end, you’re dedicated to your people. You have strong morals and the qualities of a leader, and have a more practical, realist approach to survival.
Tara Chambler
Tara Chambler
You’re Tara Chambler! Though you may put up a cold, hard exterior to strangers, it’s only for self-preservation or insecurity, because on the inside, you’re friendly, compassionate, playful, tomboyish, and honest. You harbor a lot of unnecessary guilt, which leads you to go out of your way to help people. Throughout hardships, your inner strength and emotional maturity has grown, and that determination and strength rubs off on those around you. You generally don’t care what people think about what you have to say, and will be brutally honest if the situation calls for it.
You’re Michonne! You prefer to keep the past in the past and work alone, and you have a keen sense of intuition that leads you to trust your gut when it comes to trusting people. Though you usually keep your life private, you open up to the people you’ve known a while and letting them know about your feelings. Hot-tempered and intimidating, you are not afraid of facing off against your opponents face to face. Your coldness is mostly a façade to cover for your own emotional scars. You’re loyal, fearless, and willing to stand up to anyone who threatens you or your group.
Deanna Monroe
Deanna Monroe
You’re Deanna Monroe! You’re extremely intelligent and can read people very well. You’re good at getting people to feel comfortable with each other and delegating duties in a group situation. Because you can see a conflict from both sides, you’re a very capable and dedicated leader. You’re strong, committed, and very wise. In times of crisis, you rise to the occasion and show your bravery up until the very end.