Which of these selected poems defines your personality??
Which of these selected poems defines your personality??
A persons personality can be defined by poems. The poems featured here are written by me! Find out which one was written just for you and brag about it with your 'Literary Geek' friends! cool right?
A persons personality can be defined by poems. The poems featured here are written by me! Find out which one was written just for you and brag about it with your 'Literary Geek' friends! cool right?
Your age group is:
Most important thing in life
Favorite Genre
Most appealing pic
Word that describes you
Beauty is....
You can't live without:
Choose for luck:
A person looks beautiful when s|he smiles,
That smile radiates so much energy, it can go a mile,
And anyone who sees it will also smile,
A frown or sad face is too depressing,
And it can make everyone sad,
There are many people who smile,
Just to see others smile.
The power of a smile is such that
It can spread happiness throughout.
Frowning takes the pressure of many muscles,
Than to smile.
It does not cost anything.
Smile- a wonderful thing to spread joy even in the gloomiest of places.
A person who has lost hope can gain confidence,
A soldier who is ready to give his life will feel its importance.
And so if someone asks-
What a smile can do?
Tell them what you have felt,
What you have seen,
If he could understand it,
He can make others-
SMILE!! :)
Friends forever
Friends forever
When things are not on the way;
Please wait for me and stay!
I don't care if people get me wrong,
Always be there to keep me strong.
Be on my side when I fail;
Give me courage to begin with a new tale!
I trust you don't break my trust;
Maybe my feelings get crushed.
Hold my hands when I'm feared;
Give me strength and wipe my tears.
Help me when I'm sad;
Try to make sure I'm not feeling bad!
Let the tale of our friendship always continue,
I just want to say Thank you,
For all that you've done!
Be my friend forever,
Let the lamp of our friendship last ever and ever.....
Brightest Star
Brightest Star
She walked alone
And her path didn't seem right.
But she had chosen it,
And she thought it was bright.
The world saw just enough
To not make her feel high
They said her stars were at fault
She stopped looking at the sky
She had no attitude to show
But she had her smile to wear
She had no friends to share
So she threw her worries to air
One day she went hollow inside
Somehow her confidence was lost
She clutched onto her outer parts
But her biggest strength was washed
Still she kept going
To force the world to hear her success din.
This time it wasn't confidence
It was the fire within
The fire let her fly
And she broke all the bolts
She was a twinkling star
In the constellation of her faults
Muddled about life
Muddled about life
Am I really living life?
Or simply surviving every strife.
As my head throbs out loud
As my heart aches without a sound
Pangs of bitterness flow.
Where's that zeal, gone so low?
I search within, deep inside
Wondering who is on my side
Trying to listen to that voice within
That mask of conspiracy waving through
My conscience pricking without a clue
Muddled in thoughts.
Muddled in my emotions wrought.
I hope I'll find that gem crystal clear.
Finally conquer over my fears
I may still stand a chance
I have that one last chance
Of living like the way I want
Bringing smiles without a frown
That hope of life is burning bright
Burning through the darkness of the night.
Love forever
Love forever
As I look through the telescope of my life,
I don't see you walking by my side,
I don't see your hand in mine,
I don't see us together;
I see a drastic change in time.....
But the air still smells,
Of the warmth we share,
The breeze still whispers,
Of our love and care.....
The rain showers the time
Of our past,
Birds chirp in our memories afar....
Days may pass and years may fly,
But my love for you,
Will never die...
I may not be by your side,
And you may not be mine,
But I promise you,
Our love will only,
Grow stronger and stronger,
With passage of time.....
Love or Lust
Love or Lust
I sat on the shore
With the rain soaking me more
I closed my eyes
Thinking about you
The shine in your eyes
When you look at me
The smile on your face
When I look at you
Does that mean anything?
Or is it just nothing?
The feelings you invoke in me,
The blush you get on my face,
The joy you bring to my heart,
Does that mean, it is love?
Or is it just nothing but lust?
As the rain drops touch my skin,
I wish it was you.
As I hear the sea gushing with rhythm,
I wish it was me.
As I see the sea and the drops unite,
I wish it was us,
Making love,
This very night!
Bestselling Novel
Bestselling Novel
Life is a book,
Full of strange chapters
And days like pages,
Having mixed emotions and silly factors.
We all come with an introduction
And go away with a conclusion
The period which comes between these two
Is a thrilling roller coaster
But this book is different
Not already written
The author is none other than you
And that makes it brilliant
Live life to the fullest
Let its content be the finest
May the book you write
Be a bestseller in the rack of life
A Letter from Nature
A Letter from Nature
I had clean air; and a million trees,
Beautiful flowers, fluttering in the breeze.
Pure drinking water; and little animals and birds,
Oh! I was well adorned, and too pretty for words.
Then came you humans, full of selfishness and spite,
You destroyed my beauty, almost overnight.
You polluted water; you cut down my trees,
To make the atmosphere impure, you set up factories.
You threw garbage and dumped land,
You used up all that was in reach of your hand.
You didn't allow my poor minerals to get renewed,
You thought you're the only one on Earth, who is smart and shrewd.
My humble request to you is, please don't make this mistake,
Or all life on Earth will be at stake.
Don't pollute on basis of land, water, air or noise,
To make, or mar your planet, is your choice.
I shall just say humans, save your good stature,
Heed my words to improve, love, Nature.