Could You Survive A Wes Craven Horror?
Could You Survive A Wes Craven Horror?
Iconic Director Wes Craven created memorable horror films such as "Nightmare on Elm Street," "Scream," and "The Last House on the Left". Do you ever watch "Scream" and say to yourself," Oh! I could've survived that attack!" ? If so, take this quiz and put your words to the test.
Iconic Director Wes Craven created memorable horror films such as "Nightmare on Elm Street," "Scream," and "The Last House on the Left". Do you ever watch "Scream" and say to yourself," Oh! I could've survived that attack!" ? If so, take this quiz and put your words to the test.

You'd not only be the survivor, but you'd get the perfect one liner before you save everyone!
You'd not only be the survivor, but you'd get the perfect one liner before you save everyone!
You know what you're doing! This isn't your first time in a Wes Craven film. You are prepared before you turn a dark corner. You are prepared to face what is in your dreams before you fall asleep. Your friends look up to you because you're not only brave, but you have common sense. People in horror films could all use a bit of common sense. You're careful with all of the murders going on in your town, but you aren't a hermit crab, you go out and try to be there for your friends.
You wouldn't survive, but you'd sacrifice yourself for a friend!
You wouldn't survive, but you'd sacrifice yourself for a friend!
What use is there in dying if you don't die a hero!?? You wouldn't survive a Wes Craven horror. You'd die saving one of your friends. You are selfless and always willing to lend a helping hand. Though things may scare you, you're willing to put your friends' and family's safety before yours. If friends tell you about some odd dreams they've been having or strange phone calls they've been receiving, you believe them instantly.
When the chips are down, you would know how to protect yourself, you aren't doomed, just a very caring human-being.
Unfortunately, you wouldn't survive!
Unfortunately, you wouldn't survive!
You aren't prepared! You make a few bad decisions and boom! Sometimes fear forces you to run, just make sure you know where you're going. You can be a little selfish when it comes to helping your friends, but you rather go get help than help them by yourself. Makes sense, ha? You're a strong minded person, but you've been in denial of some strange dreams and weird phone calls. Now that you know, don't fall asleep!